So... Mops, huh?

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3rd POV
A stern looking gazelle behind the desk didn't even hesitate when she said. "No."
"No? What do you mean, 'no'." Buster asked her. "For the last time, sir, no appointment, no entry." She said sternly. All Buster could say was 'uh'. "Sir, do I need to call security?" She asked sarcastically.
Rosita put her hand on his shoulder. "We should go." The receptionist was quick to agree with her. "Yes, you should." Then she went back greeting people. The gang groaned as they walked to the door. As the others talked, Buster saw some janitors walk through the elevator then a door that said 'employees only' and got a great idea.
"In here. Quick! Get in." He said, pulling everyone inside. The receptionist turned her head but saw nothing so she went back to her work. "Shh, I got to think." Buster told them. "Mr. Moon? I'm not so good in small spaces." Meena said. Johnny held her paw as way to comfort her.
Buster looked around the closet and saw a picture of an elephant with a mustache that said employee of the month. "Ah ha! Look at this." They all turned to see what he was on about. "Meena. Do you think that's kinda of your size?" He asked holding up a blue suit.
Johnny POV
We all put on blue suits and held on to the floor cleaner thing, luckily, Meena was able to even out our weight. We slowly but surely got closer to the elevator.
"Hey, Rickey." The lady said. Meena cleared her throat and made voice deeper. "Hi." But then the thing began to tilt. We did our best to hold on but it really hard, especially since I hit my head on a metal poll.
When we were at the elevators we all dropped and scrambled our way into one of the boxes. When Meena ran in with the mops it became very squished. But the thing lifted up at like a hundred mph.
The door open on the 108th floor and I saw a lot of very talented looking people, I couldn't help but get a little nervous when they all looked at us. "Everybody, mop." Mr. Moon told us. So we did with the best 'everything is fine don't worry about it' smiles we could muster.
The silence mixed with squeaking of the mop's made things 10x more awkward than they already where, to make matters worse, one of the roller skate dancers slipped and bumped making me fall into some one.
We were able to catch ourselves before anymore damage could be done. I looked up to apologize and saw a... a handsome looking Tiger.
"S-sorry about that mate!" I said quickly. "Oh no you're fine." He said in a velvety voice. "I guess you guys are always on the clock." He said. "Uh, oh yeah, uh Mr. Crystal really likes to keep things clean even though people are standing there." I lied trying to sound genuine. He chuckled at that, he has a nice laugh. Then he looked at with his green eyes. "Johnny!" Mr. Moon whisper yelled at me.
"Oh, um, well, duty calls. B-bye." I said grabbing my mop. "Well, it was nice talking you..." He waited for me to say my name. He wants to know my name! "Johnny. And you are?" I said holding out hand, which he more then gladly took. "Ryan." I felt my face get hotter. "It was nice talking to you too, Ryan." I said waving a good-bye and he waved back. I tilted my hat so he couldn't see my blushing and ran to catch up with the gang.
Ryan POV
'That Janitor guys was kinda cute.' I thought before I caught myself. 'Don't get distracted. You're here to cheer for your cousin!' Who is now taking it upon herself to tease me. "Where you or where you not just making goggly eyes at that Gorilla just now?" She asked.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Giselle." I said trying to play it cool. She just smirked in return. "Bet you were thinking about him without his su-." I interrupt her. "Don't you have something some vocal warm ups to do or something?" I asked her. She shrugged and went back to rehearsing with her friends.
Honestly. 'He just has a cute face that's all. And a nice voice, and a cool accent, and really pretty eyes, and was adorably shy when I was talking to him.' I shook my head trying get rid of the thoughts. Plus it's not like I'm going to be seeing him again so why dig on this issue. 'This will all blow over soon, so just be supportive of your cousin for now.'

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