Ideas, space and dance partners

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3rd POV
A penguin opens up the curtains to let light come through. We see the room is entirely pink, and in the middle is Nana sitting in her bed watching the T.v. The lady on screen talks about how Buster Moon has partnered with Jimmy Crystal.
Nana smiles to her self and sips her tea.
We cut the Crystal hotel and the gang takes their first steps inside. It's everything you could imagine, with its breath taking beauty, everything looked like it made out of well... crystals.
They make to the suit, butlers come through the door strolling in carts full of delicious looking food, while Gunter is rambling on about his ideas for the sci-fi musical.
"Okay, so this guy is coming in from the side, and it's, like, cuckoo crazy," He said, jumping from one place to another. "And then I think we should have, like, this cool alien tango scene." Then he started to dance with a pillow.
"Alien tango scene." Buster repeated, typing down every word. "Oh. I love it."
"Wait. I've got a better idea. What if it was, like, a big underwater scene instead?" Gunter suggested. "Underwater?" Buster asked. "Yeah, yeah. I'm sure of this. Write it down." He then gasped. "Wait, wait. Stop your clicky-clacking. I have a better idea." He said pulling the laptop.
"Uh, you can't keep changing your mind." Buster told him. "Why?"
"Why?" Buster mimicked. "Because in exactly 20 minutes, the stage crew are coming here to start work on our show, and we need to lock this stuff down." He explained to Gunter. The doorbell to the rang. "Oh my gosh, they're early." He got up to get the door.
"Ooh, and I want to have, like, this beautiful love scene..." Buster wasn't paying attention anymore. "Miss Crawly, anything on Calloway?" He asked. "Hmm, not a thing." She answered. "Oh, geez." He murmured. He opened the door to see the whole crew. A walrus was in front of them.
"Ah, Mr. Moon." He said tucking his hard hat under his arm. " we're your production team, and we're here to start-." Before he could finish Buster interrupted him. "Yes, yes, yes. Uh, you're here to work on the show. And I would gladly invite you all in right now, but-." Then he was interrupted by Gunter. "We should totally do, like, a battle scene!" He yelled.
"Gunter, no, not now." Buster said pushing him back inside. He chuckled nervously. "I just need a little more time to, you know, hammer out a few minor, little details, so would it be okay if you all could come back in, like, I don't know an hour? Or maybe four? And I really appreciate your patience. Thank you so much." He said, then shut the door.
"Hmm. Okay." The walrus said, he was confused but was okay with it.
"Okay. That was not a great start." Buster said to himself. "Oh, look, it's a gift from Mr. Crystal." Miss Crawly said. "It... it says, um, 'Don't screw up, Moon or else.'." Buster had a worried look on his face. "Ooh, I've got a better idea. What about the mambo?🎶" Gunter sang while he danced.
(Time skip)
We roll into a gigantic auditorium, the crew, designers and the gang were all on stage. "Good morning." Moon said into the mic. "May I have everyone's attention, please? Thank you. Yes. Okay, um, on behalf of myself and the cast,
I just want to say that to be given this incredible opportunity to work with you all here at the Crystal Tower Theater, well, it's an honor for all of us. And I believe that, together, we can make a show that'll take the audience out of this world."
He pulled of the sheet next to him to reveal a model of a rocket doing lift off. "And a big thanks to Steve over here for staying up all night to make this model." Buster said, they all turned to see a very tired looking dog who was cover head to toe in paint.
"Great work, Steve." Moon turned the page showing everyone the rocket was now in space. "There she is folks. The star of our show, Rosita." He said with finest. She was in total shock. "That's you, baby!" Gunter said. "The lead role?" She said in disbelief.
"Trust me, you are perfect for it." He said. Everyone cheered happily for her. "Wait till my kids hear about this."
"So the story goes like this." He turned the page once more showing a spectacularly made galaxy. "Rosita plays an astronaut searching for a missing space explorer. Together, with their trusty robot..." "That's me." Gunter said. "Mm-hm, yes. They follow the trail across four plants." He turned the page once more with gusto. "There's a planet of war, a planet of love, a one of despair and one of joy. And each planet will have its own spectacular musical number preformed by one of our terrific cast." Everyone oohed and awed.
"And how does it end? Do I find the explorer?" Rosita asked him. "Oh, we have no clue what we're going to do at the end." Gunter answered. Buster quickly put his hand over Gunter's mouth, shutting him up. "Gunter, no, no, no. Whoa, whoa, whoa. We do have great ideas for the ending. We just... All right." Everyone looked confused. He tried to call their attention back. "We've only got three weeks to make this a reality folks. Let's get to work." Everyone started go work on their assigned jobs.
"Johnny, you are gonna play an alien warrior in a fantastic battle scene." Buster told him. "Yes!" Johnny exclaimed. "Come with me."
They made their way into a dance studio. Everyone looked so talented and impressive and very in their element, it was like second nature to them. Johnny started to feel very nervous.
"Johnny, I want you to meet your fellow dancers." Buster said.
Ryan POV
I was concentrating on my stretches when I heard someone say in a British accent say. "Hello lads." I turned and saw him. Johnny. Okay now I'm really confused, first he was a janitor, then I see him walking with The Mr. Crystal and now he's at the studio.
'Maybe I should ask him what's up.' As soon as I thought that my feet had a mind of their own. I wasn't ready to actually talk to him! It's too soon. What if he thinks I'm weird? What if I come off as arrogant or rude.
Then I heard him talk again. "Klaus Kickenklobber." "Yep. Klaus will turn you into a pro in no time." The Koala said. "Okay." Johnny said not sounding fully convinced. Maybe that's how I'll talk to him, it'll be natural and not so forced.
"He's right, you know." I started. He jumped at the sound of my voice dropping the card I the process. "Sorry! Sorry, I didn't mean to. Uh," I looked at the card on the ground and tried to pick it up for him, only he tried to do it too and we ended bonking our head together. "I'm so sorry Ryan!" He said worriedly. "No, no, I'm sorry I should have let you handle it Johnny." I felt my face get redder by the second. 'Why am I being so weird right now?!' I saw him turning red too, weather it was from frustration with me or embarrassment. I don't know. But I wouldn't blame him for being mad at me.
"Oh? Do you two know each other?" The Koala asked. "Uh..." I didn't know what to say to that. "Y-you could say that Mr. Moon." Johnny said to him. "Y-yeah, I met him when he was a janitor." Mr. Moon laughed nervously when I said 'janitor.'
"Uh, well, would you look at that I have to go now! I have faith in you Johnny!" Then he ran off.
"S-so..." Johnny started. "So... can I ask how you went from working for Mr. Crystal to working with Mr. Crystal." I asked him. I really hope I didn't sound condescending. "Uh, well it's sorta a long story." He said scratching his face a little.
"I'd like to hear it." I said but quickly added. "If you want to share that is. We could talk about while I teach you some of the basics." I said extending my hand to him. "Like a temporary dance partner?" He asked blushing a bit. I did a little too. "You could say that."

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