The Text

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"Okay, perfect. They'll give you a call if you got the part! We'll be in touch soon." Taylor said with a smile. I could tell that I kind of blew it with my anxiety. I had to keep looking down at the script they had given me. I wasn't necessarily upset about it though because the fact that I got Scarlett's number was filling me with more anxiety and joy than any audition or movie role could ever give me.

As I walked off the set and headed for my car, I kept thinking about how to start a conversation. Or if she was planning to. Do I wait to text her until she texts first? Or just say fuck it and type out some words that could possibly lead to an awkward conversation where she ends up getting scared off and then leaving me on read? How does this being friends with celebrities thing even work? This is so confusing. She probably has so many more friends and I'm just some person she feels bad for. Before I could continue spiraling, I opened my door and got into the drivers seat, buckled up and started my car. I started driving home when I heard my phone go off.

Childhood Crush: Hey I hope this is the right number. This is Y/N right?

When a red light had come up so I decided to take the chance to text her back. Can't keep her waiting. That wouldn't be very "in-love-with-you-since-6th-grade" of me now would it?

Y/N: Yes that's me! Surprised to see you texted me to be honest.

I felt a small smile come across my face. I'm texting Scarlett. This is absolutely flabbergasting and I'll absolutely never recover.

Childhood Crush: Of course! I had to release your number to the public after you did mine. An eye for an eye right?

Y/N: Understandable. Let me make it up to you over coffee? I know a good place:)

Childhood Crush: Definitely. Text me the details tomorrow.

I set my phone down to continue my drive home. I was about 5 minutes out and traffic was actually okay for once. Decided I should take advantage of it. I don't really remember pulling on my block because of my music. I ended up pulling into my street and made sure to grab everything out of my car before heading up to my apartment.

My hands were full with car keys, a water bottle, and my charger which was beginning to wrap around my hands. As I was making my way up, I made it a point to lock my car and continued my journey to my apartment. It wasn't pretty, but it was decent. It looked pretty okay for the price I pay for it. It's nothing special, but I think it's cozy. Regardless, I shut the door behind me and locked it. I heard my phone go off again and I remembered about me and Scarlett's small chat we had been having before I made it home.

I pulled out my phone to read her texts.

Childhood Crush: Bring sunglasses too! Paparazzi can be a pain in the ass.

Y/N: I will. Thank you for letting me know. See you around 9-9:30 ish?

Childhood Crush: Sounds great! See you then!

I turned my phone off and thought about what I should make for dinner tonight. I was starting to think maybe spaghetti but then again, I had it last week and I wasn't really in the mood to cook anyways. In the end, I decided I'd just order some Chinese takeout because you never really can go wrong with some ham fried rice and orange chicken. If I was being completely honest, I was excited. It had been such a long time since I had Chinese.

My ex girlfriend didn't like it so we never really had it. That should've been my first red flag. I turned on some music and called out to my dog that I've had for the last 2 years. He was the only good thing that really came out of that relationship.

"Bruno?" a few seconds later, I heard a thump which was followed by the pitter patter of little paws tapping against the hardwood floor. A little grey and white face poked out of the corner of my doorway as he looked at me. He was definitely sleeping on my bed. I know he's young, but he acts like an old man. Can't say I don't adore him more for it though.

"Come here." I said softly to him and he perked his ears up and made his way towards me. He jumped up on my lap and licked my hand affectionately. I always was his favorite. He's been one of the sweetest dogs I've ever had. I was lucky to have him. He kept me sane through it all. As he lied down in my lap, doing the circle thing and all, I pulled out my phone and got to DoorDash. Picked out my favorite Chinese restaurant and put down what I felt I wanted.

I also got something super small for Bruno. Just a few dumplings for him and I to share. On the rare occasion that I give him human food, he's really very picky about the foods I eat. You'd think he'd just eat whatever I give him, but most definitely not. I had to buy three different brands of dog food just to figure that out the hard way.

(This is what he looks like)

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(This is what he looks like)

About 20 minutes had passed by and I heard a knock on my door to which Bruno responded with a soft bark. I just gave him a small "shh" and looked at him. When I was sure the Dasher was gone, I opened the door and grabbed the food. I set it down on my counter and pulled out a fork.

My hand always cramps when I try to use chopsticks. Believe me, I want so desperately bad to be able to use them, but one time I had such a bad cramp that my eyes started watering. It was horrible. So ever since I've used forks.

After I had eaten a couple bites of my food, I grabbed out the dumplings and broke one apart for Bruno. He ate it thankfully and looked up to me giving me the puppy dog look as if he was saying, "Please sir, I'm just a poor boy." which made me chuckle as I heard the accent playing out in my head and tore up another one for him.

"No more Bruno, you're gonna get fat. Now go lay down okay?" As if he knew exactly what I was saying, he stood up and jumped off of the couch and ran into my bedroom. After putting together some easy context clues, I knew he laid down in his spot in my bed.

I cleaned up and put the leftovers in the fridge. They would probably end up getting eaten for lunch tomorrow. It was around 9 now so I could feel the drowsiness raining down on my eyes and body. I finished cleaning the small mess I had made before I left this afternoon. I set down two cups in the sink and some papers in the trash. As usual, I snaked into my room and changed into my pajamas. An old band t-shirt and some basketball shorts. I slid into bed and pulled the covers over myself. I could feel Bruno readjusting to me getting comfortable. I closed my eyes and felt myself drift off to sleep.


A/N: I promise the chapters will get longer as does the story! I actually like this idea and the plot for it. I'm terrible at filling in the extra blanks but I promise I'm trying my best. It's now 4 am and I'm exhausted so hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter and enjoyed getting to know Bruno a little bit. I think he's a cute little addition to the story and I'm excited to see interactions between Scarlett, Rose, and him. Anywho, until next time y'all:)

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1381 words!

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