Chapter 04 :)

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Author's pov:

As ohm and nanon were so close to each other, Nanon leaned toward ohm and gave him a quick peck on his cheeks. But surprisingly, it was placed on ohm's lips as ohm was moving here and there, cause of his laugh. Ohm's eye got widen when suddenly he felt soft-mushy lips pressed on his.


When nanon realized that it was not ohm's cheeks but his lips, he quickly moved back to his position, getting red-blushing cheeks. Ohm felt he was on cloud nine for a god damn second. Ohm also got shy after a sudden peck cause they only had given pecks on cheeks for the past few months. Then ohm slowly turned back to his seat, buckled his seatbelt, and turned to check nanon who was now looking outside from the window.

Ohm saw nanon was blushing, though he was the one who gave him the peck. So he went in awe of him, admiring how cute he is. He smiled at him fondly and tilted his head a bit,

"Nanon... your seatbelt..." Ohm gestured to make his safety belt.

Nanon gasped for a second, "Huh!!" Said looking at ohm not realizing he's not wearing his seatbelt.

"OH... sorry I forgot that" nanon smiled at ohm and buckled his seatbelt, saying let's go. Then ohm nodded yes and drew his black BMW away from the parking lot.

Nanon, who is normally a talkative boy, was silent today for a few minutes since they started to drive back to their places. He was looking at the street where they were passing almost every day from the window. Ohm felt awkward silence for a few minutes coz he was now missing his blabber boy. So, ohm glanced at nanon and found he was looking at the window, focusing on the street, buildings, and people. Then ohm started the radio to feel the ease between them. Ohm then sighed and shook his head. after a few seconds, he got into the traffic jam and had to wait for minutes as the BKK traffic jam is somewhat heavy.

Ohm gripped the steering wheel and tool glimpse of nanon.

"Nanon??" Ohm uttered and tilted his head slightly.

"HUH!..oh..yes ohm?" nanon turned his side to look at ohm and smiled.

"Well... everything okay?? I mean, you look a bit uneasy after getting the car. you know, you can tell me anything?" ohm gave a reassuring smile to nanon.

'well, ohm.. how can I tell that I have something weird feelings. Even I don't know what the fuck is that? It can happen? Still, I can't figure it out...' nanon thought before answering.

"NO... Nothing ohm. seriously... I'm a bit sleepy. you know... I could not get enough sleep coz someone came and dragged me out" Nanon scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Ohm widened his eyes and "well... so that someone is me? hahaha funny... I'm sorry na... then have a nap coz the traffic jam would be around 20 minutes." said patting nanon's shoulder.

Nanon nodded flashing his dimples and adjusting his seat to lean. "then... i"ll get some rest. awake me when we reached." nanon yawned and closed his eyes, crossing his arms on his chest. Then ohm uttered 'cute' underneath his breath and focused on the road. They were still in heavy traffic. Then ohm lowered the music to not interrupt his sleep and adjust the air-conditioner to make it comfy for his younger.

After some time, ohm heard some soft snoring sounds from the latter. 'sleeping...' ohm heaved a sigh in relief. Then ohm took his jacket off and placed it over nanon, covering his upper body. 'now fine...' ohm mumbled and patted softly on nanon's head. from sleep, nanon curled up like a kitten while clutching the edge of the jacket. Ohm felt so soft towards nanon.

"nanon... why are you so cute? can I poke your cheeks?" ohm uttered while giving a softyyyy smile for nanon, though he was in a deep sleep at the time. Ohm ran his fingers through nanon's hair gently while making sure not to disturb his sleep.

First Snowfall | OhmNanonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin