Chapter 1: Rekindling

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In a time lost to most records, there was once a civilization gifted with wonders beyond imagination by a singular being, the Traveler. Humanity, visited by this being beyond the laws of the universe, changed the system of Sol forever. Lifespans tripled, scientific innovations exploded, and great cities were built upon once-hostile worlds. For those years, it was a time for miracles, that was, before an ancient enemy came and forever changed the galaxy's paradigm. The Darkness, a foe that destroyed everything that centuries had built, arrived in Sol, resetting those who survived the traumatic conflict to sticks and stones, fighting over the remains of what once was. Yet, in its dying moments, the Traveler beat back the Darkness and released beings of Light, the Ghosts. They scoured the system, searching for those of the dead, who they believed were worthy of wielding cosmic power to defend what remained. They would gather together and prepare for the return of what destroyed their worlds. 

Yet, Humanity was not the first to be blessed by the Traveler. Many worlds, countless civilizations, all scoured by its greatest threat. Now, those worlds no longer beam with Light but are bathed in Darkness of ruthless nightmares, torn landscapes, shattered planets, and cracked moons. Yet, a glimmer of Light remains upon one world, lost within the timeless war between these forces.

Below a shattered moon sits a planet teaming with life and death. Nightmares and those desperate to survive. Upon a solemn night, with the moon's reflection casting down upon the treetops, sat an outcropping with two graves dug into its surface. One covered in flourishing grass and wildflowers, the other fresh and churned, a bundle of roses resting upon the upturned soil. Floating through the forest beyond the graves, a little light shined, searching. Its shell clicked and spun, a soft blue light emanating from the center and its voice quiet and alone. 

"Of all the places, where could you be?" It muttered, flying through the rustling foliage, pulled by an unseen connection, a feeling deep within that landed it hovering over a grave. Light shined over the dirt, up the headstone before slowly, the white being pulled back, the shell extended from its spherical core, connected by a shimmer of blue light, orbiting in faster and faster rotations, rays of light shoot down into the soil below and with a sudden flash, the glimmer grew into a small, brilliant flame.

"Found you. Wake up, Guardian," The being said, shell collapsing back onto itself as before its optic, laying atop the dirt, clad in dark memorial clothing, was a young boy. His hair was dark as the night sky, eyes a brilliant blue, of which he gazed around himself, taking in the night, the forest, and landed upon the being hovering above, watching him like an angel from the heavens.

"Where, where am I?" The boy muttered, gazing down upon his hands in awe, memories clouded within his mind, seeming just out of reach. Clutching the dirt dusted upon his fingertips, the young lad laid his sight upon the small drone like being once again, hovering down before him as it spoke in a calm and gentle voice.

"Easy there. You have no idea how long I've been looking for you. I'm a Ghost, well, your Ghost. You've, well, you weren't dead for as long as most Guardians, but there's probably a lot you won't understand. First, let's get out of here before," The ghost spoke before stopping as the boy's face changed, his confusion clear, before morphing into something else as he spoke. 

"Dead? Wait, what do you mean dead? I was...I was holding them off. Wait. Ruby! Yang!" The boy cried out frantically, rocketing to his feet, the fog slowly clearing as memories flooded in, Grimm, the dark forest, the cries of his sisters, then a dark crimson before his eyes as everything felt, cold. Breathing rapidly, the boy spun around, eyes adjusting to the night once more as he took everything in once more. No longer deep within the forests around his home, but upon the cliff he often visited.

"W-why am I here? I-I couldn't have...," He muttered, eyes drifting to the second grave, staring on in horror as he read what lay atop the headstone. 'Here lay Fenris Rose, brother of two, a defender who paid the ultimate sacrifice.' The boy stuttered and staggering back, tearing open his jacket and yanking his shirt up, he stared down at his stomach where nothing but a faint outline of three clawed marks across his lower abdomen.

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