Chapter 17

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Finally a new day begins. I hope Michael remembers me by now, I know I'm selfish right now because I should care about his health more than he remembering me, but I wish everything was back to normal... and not this normal, the normal that I know.

I take a shower and then take some comfy clothes. I put my hair in a pony tale and go downstairs to cook some breakfast, well the only breakfast I know to cook.
I make my perfect pancakes and make a toping of strawberries and put in every plate blueberries in a unique way on the pancakes. Michael loves them like this, I know he does, he told me several times how he likes his pancakes, so I did it exactly like he said and call him out.

Giving to the silence I hear, he doesn't remember me .. great!
I take a plate and go to knocking on his door.
I enter even though there's no reply and see him laying in bed writing something on his laptop. Wait.. I had no idea he had a laptop ... anyways.
"Morning." I say seeing he doesn't mind me at all.
He lifts his face and his eyes connect with mine and in that brief moment, there's no hate, no arrogance ... just a pure look in his eyes, the kind of look he used to watch me with. My face almost sketches a smile until he opens his mouth.

"What do you want?" his eyes go back to the screen and that look is no longer pure, is filled with annoyance, weakening my strength.
"I made some breakfast..." I almost whisper at the intimidation.
"Brought you some, thought you were hungry." I add as he kept giving me that terrible look.

He smirks and puts down his laptop coming my way. I can't say anything, just watch him amazed that he actually got out of the bed.
He smiles taking the plate and doesn't say anything either, then he turns around and moves away.
"Stop doing things I didn't ask for. I'm not fucking hungry. " he says pretty much annoyed throwing my perfectly good pancakes in the bin. I feel my blood running through my veins, my heart pumping faster and I know I'm pissed, damn I'm so furious right now ... ughh!

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I snap watching putting the plate on his desk making sure he makes a loud noise.
Son of a bitc- He's amused ..he thinks this is funny .

"Don't give me that look. You're the one troubling yourself when no one asked you to. I just put them where they belong ... "
Now he just pissed me off even more if that is even possible.
"You're such a jackass! Fuck you Michael. You shouldn't have done that! How can you throw perfectly good food when you know some people are starving?!! You're a selfish bastard, Oh my Go- Just go to hell and remember everything already because I can't fucking stand you like this!!" I scream angry taking the empty plate.

"Well maybe you should stop acting like you know me! ok? Stop coming here! Stop making my favorite breakfast! Stop this fucking circus and get the hell out of my life! I never asked for you." He fires back pretty angry himself too.
I shut the door slowly leaning on it. It's not fair! I never asked to fall for him either ..I never asked for him to invade my feelings with all of his words and actions. Most of all I never asked for him to stop knowing who I am. Life is not fair.

I choose to let the anger take over my pain and run to my car driving to the place I know it will make me feel better.

"I cannot stand him anymore. I swear I will kill him if he's going to act like this." I whine entering in Ashton's house.
He laughs looking at me closing the door I left open.

"He can't be that bad ..." he smiles following my storm.
"He can't be that bad?! It's like he wants to make me go crazy.... I don't understand I tried to be nice and make him some pancakes this morning and I even took the plate to his room. he loves my pancakes, but you know what he did? he threw them in his bin saying he's 'not fucking hungry' turning to whatever he was doing... " I just realize that I'm screaming.

Little Hate (M. Clifford Smut FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora