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A few hours later, they are all talking and sometimes complaining about the most random things in their life.
" so I called the seller" Nancy stated.
" seller of what?" Steve asks
" seller of the house you idiot" Eddie replies and shoves Steve.
" you as-" Steve got cut off as he tried to push Eddie back.
" you guys are so childish" Nancy said as she rolled her eyes.
" but he just pu-" Steve got cut off again
" nope. it doesn't matter" robin said. Nancy nodded in agreement.
" anyways. I called the seller and he said we can move in early" Nancy said
"how early?" Steve asked excitedly.
" early as in next week" Nancy let out a sigh of relief.
" okay how about Friday?" Eddie asked.
They all agreed and went back to their random conversations.
" movie?" Steve had asked.
" hell yea" Eddie answered" let's watch a horror movie"
" are you kidding, no!" Nancy glared at Eddie.
" oh come on. It'll be okay" Steve added not showing any nervousness. But he knows that he is scared, just won't show it. They ended up making popcorn and grabbing coke downstairs, then 5 minutes later they're in Steve's bed, ready to watch. The movie is now 4 minutes and 19 seconds in. And a jump scare appears. Nancy turned her head in fear and dug it in robins chest roughly. Robin noticed and started drawing circles on Nancy's back, comforting her as she watches the movie. Steve took a glance at Nancy, then Robin, and back to the tv screen. Another jump scare came on and fortunately Nancy didn't see it, but the others did. Robin hugged Nancy tighter in fear, but let go after realization.
" sorry" Robin apologized nervously.
" it's okay" Nancy said as they make intense eye contact. They both felt butterflies in their stomach.
Steve was right in Eddie's arms getting comforted. They both look at each other smiling, then they look away. They all finished the movie and fell right asleep. With Nancy on Robin, and with steve on Eddie.

It's 12:34 PM and Robin woke up. She saw that Nancy was on her chest with her arms around Robin. Robin didn't want to let go. She wanted to stay like this forever, but she was hungry. And she bet the others would be starving when they wake up. So Robin carefully grabbed Nancy's arms and put them on a pillow to replace robin. Then she sneakily left the bedroom and headed to the kitchen. She knows all about Steve's house. She knows that Steve's mom will be in the kitchen and his dad would be at work. So she walked into the kitchen to see Steve's mother making pancakes, eggs, and bacon. His mother noticed Robin and turned to look at her.
" hey rob! Didn't expect you to be up. We all know how you sleep in late." Mrs Harrington said. ( just pretend her name is Sheila bc idk Steve's mothers name)
" good morning to my 2nd mother" Robin said smiling." Can I help?" She asked
" of course you can. The eggs are still cooking. Can you watch them for me?" Mrs Harrington asks.
" sure" so Robin took the spatula she saw next to the pan and stirred the eggs. Making sure that it cooks correctly and it doesn't overcook. A few minutes later they both finish cooking and put the food on 5 different plates for them and the other three, which they are still sleeping. Well not Eddie. He just woke up and is using the bathroom like always. As soon as the two in the dining room heard the toilet flush, they knew exactly who it was. Eddie. He came out of the bathroom and into the dining room seeing robin and Sheila. He rubs his eyes in confusion, knowing Robin is always the last one up. But he shrugged his shoulders and sat down at an empty seat, which is his special seat that the rest know not to sit on.
" morning guys" Eddie said with his morning voice.
" well you slept well. Good morning to my other son" mrs Harrington smiled, then messed with Eddie's long hair. She treats all four of the teens like her own. They are so special to her and they all know it. They all share moms and dads. It feels good to have known them for such a long time. Especially since they support everything their children do. They're like actual quads but with many parents.
~time skip~
everyone in the house is now up. They all ate breakfast and chatted with Mrs. Harrington for a little bit, then went back into Steve's room.
" so what should we do today?" Robin asks while fidgeting with her rings.
" we should go out to eat for linner" Eddie widens his eyes
" what the fuck is linner ?" Steve asks with his hands up giving the 'i don't know' type of hands. The girls laughed at the expression.
" what the faackk is linnerr" Robin mocked Steve making the same expression he did, which made Eddie laugh along with them.
" WHY ARE YALL LAUGHING?!" Steve yells in confusion. He had no idea what was going on.
" linner is dinner and lunch you dumbass" Eddie replies. Then playfully punches Steve in the shoulder.
" yea and please never say it again" Steve politely said.
" okay guys stop we need to finish planning because I'm not going to sit around dealing with Mike for the whole entire weekend" nancy adds.
" well what about a uh.." Eddie pauses to think. " ooh what about go-" he gets cut off by Steve
" we should go camping" Steve snaps then widens his eyes.
" I was going to say that until you interrupted me" Eddie whines and glares at Steve.
" well I said it first" Steve stuck his tongue out. Eddie shoved him and they started arguing.
Nancy and Robin looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Then they both slapped the boys and glared at them.
" what was that for?!" Eddie glares at robin, then nancy.
" because you guys can't survive a day without bickering about the dumbest shit" Robin replies in annoyance.
" whatever mom" Eddie rolls his eyes and looks down, pouting teasingly. Robin made a 'I'm going to murder you' type of face. Steve noticed and tapped Eddie's shoulder to tell him to look up. Eddie did and saw robins face.
" sorry" Eddie swallows in fear.
Nancy put her hand on robins shoulder to tell her to pipe down. Robin gets a fuzzy feeling in her stomach. She had no idea what it was.
" okay let's not. we can go camping but no arguing at all today. Okay?" Nancy asks softly.
The room goes silent for a few seconds.
" okay?!" Nancy says with a meaner tone. Eddie and Steve nod in agreement.
They all go back to their homes to change into clothes and back more things in their overnight bags. Eddie and Steve meet up to go buy tents, while Robin and Nancy pick out snacks they need for their fun night.
" so we got marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate bars, and drinks. Is that all?" Robin asks Nancy. Nancy looks down at the paper that they wrote the list on, then looks up and smiles at robin " yep!" Robin began to get the same fuzzy feeling in her stomach. She was so confused. She hasn't felt like that since she had a huge crush on Vickie, a band mate at their high school. But why is she feeling that way for Nancy? Does she like her? Wait NO that can't be. They've been best friends for their entire lives. If she likes Nancy, Robin would've known that years ago. She kept thinking hard and just couldn't seem to find an answer.
" Robin are you there?" Nancy asks, putting her hands on robins shoulders, shaking her gently. Robin finally snapped back to reality.
" y- yea sorry.." Robin looks down.
" hey are you okay? You've been acting a little strange today.." Nancy asks, giving Robin a concerned look.
" I'm fine. there's nothing to worry about. I just zoned out that's all.." Robin is a horrible liar.
" you're lying." Nancy says crossing her arms.
" w- what no! I'm not lying" Robin scoffs.
" Robin you know you can talk to me right? If anything's bothering you, I can't help you unless you let me know what's on your mind." Nancy frowns, making Robin worry.
" I know nance. I've just been thinking about things yk.." Robin pauses for a moment. " hey! Why'd you get rid of that pretty smile?" Robin asks, trying to cheer Nancy up, which it worked. Making Nancy smile.
" thank you" Nancy says.
" for what?"
" for being the bestest friend I could ever have in my life" Nancy said with water in her eyes.
" Aw come here" robin opened her arms and Nancy leaped right in, wrapping her arms around robin. Robin closed her arms to hug Nancy back.
" you're the bestest friend I've ever had in my life too nance"
~1506 words~

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