Season 2 - 6.

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I snorted a line off the green chipped-paint park bench. A woman in an expensive looking coat ushered her son past me, screwing her face up at me as she strutted past, stinking of the stench of success. I sniffed loudly to piss her off more. Success seemed cliché to me. All these rich women in big empty houses, posh kids, brunch and chanel lipstick. It doesn't seem like a happy life when their husband is off bending over another woman and taking them from behind, no regards towards the family they have at home. That's how I see success anyway. My idea of a happy life is drugs. Sure, drugs made me a terrible person - my best friend hates me, my mom has given up with me and let's me do what I want, my dad fucked off, the boy I love is probably scared of me and my brother hardly visits - but drugs never fail me. I got a hit from the coke, a kaleidoscope momentarily invading my vision before disappearing leaving me with a buzzing feeling. My life felt like a stimulation, like another person had made me stand up from the bench and walk onto the park. I sat on the swing and laughed, the was wind tickling me as the swing launched me forwards and backwards - a result of me kicking me legs.

"Effy? what the fuck?" I heard. I looked in the general direction of the voice and saw Freddie clutching his trusty skateboard.
I smiled at him widely.
"Hey Fredster." I said brightly.
No face that he pulled could bring down the high I'm  on so I continued grinning at him. "Effy, everyone is looking at you." He said, daring to step closer to me as if I was a vicious stray animal. For the first time I realised that there were other people on the park. A group of 14 year olds eating chippy who were laughing at me, two ladies trying to grab their kids off the climbing apparatus to get them off the park, and a father who was looking up my skirt as I swung back in the air.
"Let me sort you out Eff." Freddie said.
I winked at the guy who was looking up my skirt before jumping off the swing and landing neatly on the floor. Freddie basically dragged me back to his house and sat me on his bed.
"What are you playing at? taking drugs at a park around kids." Freddie hissed, my high wearing off, making me as aggy as ever.
"Fuck kids, they're going to grow up depressed and suicidal by the time they're 15, teach them young, cheaper drugs now!" I laughed, thinking Freddie would laugh but a worried look spread across his face.
"I'm worried about you." Freddie muttered.
"That's a first." I breathed under my breath.
"No, don't you act like I don't give a fuck about you, how dare you, you're the one that won't let me close to you, you won't let me in." Freddie spoke, pointing his finger at me. I tried to swat his hand away but I could see double of them.
"Effy, how many fingers am I holding up?" Freddie's asked.
The kaleidoscope appeared again. I began to feel sleepy.
"Uh....six?" I slurred.


I watched as her limp body floated backwards and slumped onto my bed. Her necklaces slid the the side, showing her chest that wasn't raising. An overwhelming cloud of doom floated over me.
I turned her on he side as chunks of sick spewed out of her slightly open mouth, followed by froth. My mind zipped from on unrelated thought to another.
My palms were sweaty as I whipped my phone out of my pocket and called the ambulance.


I watched and the paramedics rushed to my room and swept Effy onto the stretcher and rushing her out of the house. I followed after them and jumped in the ambulance, gripping onto Effy's cold hand. I watched as the paramedics whipped around the ambulance, forcing an oxygen mask over her unconscious beautiful face. I felt protective as they attached her to machines like they were trying to fix a robot.
"This is a drug overdose, right?" The paramedic said to me. I was hesitant to answer but I swallowed my doubts and nodded my head.


"Freddie." Effy randomly spoke at 2 in the morning. Me and her mother shot up. I grabbed her hand. A tear prickled down her face. "It's okay Eff."

(A/N short chapter - sorry x)

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now