4. Ain't Biting

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The diner was actually amazing. They had really crispy fries and a burger made by God himself. I grabbed an order of fries for both Dustin and Mike since I knew if I didn't get Mike something he'll whine.

I made it back just in time for the lunch bell to ring. I ran into the building hoping to catch the boys before they go to class. I almost gave up hope before seeing a bush of hair and a cap walking away.

I got up behind them and flug my arms around them, the bags of food in each hand. "You are a goddess Y/N!" Mike yells.

"This is why your my favorite cousin," Dustin says ripping open the bag.

"I know." I pinch his cheek. "And you better not forget it."

We walked for a bit before Eddie came up to us. "Do I smell something not made of cardboard?"

Dustin holds out his bag and Eddie pulls a few fries out. "Courtesy of Y/N." Eddie looks over at me.

"Y/N hm? You must truly be a blessing in disguise," he says.

I give him a smirk. "And I still ain't biting." I look over at the boys. "I'll see ya guys later. Mike do you need a ride?"

He nods with his mouth full. I walked off to the gym and bumped into a someone heading in as well.

"Shit my sorry!" She said. It was the girl from the video store.

"No it's my bad," I said. "Hey weren't you at the video store yesterday? Rebecca?"

She shook her head. "Robin and yes I was."

"Right," I said. "Robin. Sorry."

She shrugged. "It's alright. You're new right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm Y/N by the way."

"Oh I know," she says quickly. "I heard what happened during second period. Not like I'm stalking you or anything. It's just word travels fast around here"

I chuckled. "I believe you."

She nods. "You going to gym?" I give a short yeah. "Well, word of advice. Couch Todd is basically blind and never takes attendance. He thinks he checks off everyone but the office just references other classes for attendance. I only still go because it's time to catch up on homework."

"Thanks for the heads up." Robin walks in and I head up to the teacher. "Hey I'm Y/N. I'm new and don't have clothes to change into to yet."

He faces the exact opposite of me and starts talking like I'm there. "I'll give you a pass this time but I expect you to be ready tomorrow. Just go sit on the wall."

I nodded slowly then headed straight out of the gym. I had to make sure Robin was right. I start to roam the school looking for some place to chill til next period.

I pushed open a heavy wooden door and was pleased to find the library. I browsed the shelves until I found the fiction section.

As I pulled out a Stephen King novel I heard someone clear their throat. I look over to see Eddie leaning against the shelf with his arms crossed. "Didn't think you'd be the skipping type."

"Perhaps you shouldn't make assumptions before you know someone." I went back to skimming the back the of book.

"Can't know someone if they don't give you a chance." He creeps closer looking at what I was holding. "Pray tell what class made you want to escape to the twisted mind of Stephen King."

I looked up at him. "Gym with Couch Todd."

"That crazy old man needs to retire." Eddie says as he starts looking through the books on the shelf. "He's been here since the dinosaurs and can't even distinguish between a person and a pole."

That caused me to chuckle. I could see Eddie glance at me out of the corner of his eye. "He seems like he's not all there."

The bell rings and I go to check out my book. "Ya know," Eddie calls out, "you're not that bad."

I turn to him. "The jury's still out on you. And Eddie?"

He perked up. "Yeah?"

"W.A.S.P.? Really?" He puts his hand over his heart and acts hurt.

I walk away and go on with the rest of my day.

I know there's hasn't been a whole lot of Eddie but I promise you will be getting more of him! We just needed to get the barrings first

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