15. Your Girl?

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There was no luck the rest of the day in figuring out what was wrong with my baby. Dustin was excited to be riding to school with Eddie, even after pouting about being in the back. I was a bit surprised when Dustin said he and Mike had plans after so he was going home with him and his sister.

Eddie though was acting weird. It was like he had pulled back his antics. He talked to me between classes and at lunch, but he didn't even show up to the library. I was starting to worry if something was wrong. Maybe him and Dustin talked yesterday and decided Eddie should back off. I wouldn't see why though.

"So are we gonna talk about how you're not yourself today," I ask as we got into his van to leave.

"Hm?" He looked over at me. "Oh. It's nothing, just something on my mind today."

I eyed him suspiciously but shrugged it off. "Your uncle coming over to see what he can do?"

"Yeah." He drums his fingers.

We spent the rest of the ride listening to Dio. I could faintly hear Eddie singing along under his breath. It was actually kind of relaxing to listen to him.

We pulled in and a car pulled up right behind us. An older rough looking man steps out of his car and we walk over to meet him.

"Thanks for coming," Eddie says as the man pats his shoulder.

"Of course Ed." He then turns to me. "And this must be the infamous Y/N."

He stuck his hand out to me and I shook it. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Munson."

"Oh darlin, might as well call me Wayne since we'll probably be seeing a lot more of each other." I looked at him a bit confused and Eddie looks like he's on the verge of being embarrassed. "Eddie here couldn't stop raving about you."

I looked over at Eddie with a big grin on my face. "Oh really?"

"Well- no- it's-" He stumbled over his words a bit before turning to Wayne. "That's not the whole story."

Wayne crossed his arms and raised a brow at Eddie. "This isn't the gorgeous new girl you wanted to take out?" Eddie looks between us and tried to stutter out a response before Wayne pats his shoulder again. "I'm just messing with ya Ed. Wouldn't be fun if I didn't embarrass you once in awhile."

I let out a giggle at their interaction. "I just hope I can live up to such high praises."

"I'm sure you will." Wayne then claps his hands together. "Now show me the patient."

We headed over to my car while Wayne grabs a toolbox and brings it over. As he worked I watched, mentally taking notes, and Eddie handed him things.

Wayne asked me about past work and I answered the best I could. I explained how I had to learn everything on my own when I got it. Meaning it probably wasn't right.

Eddie just grinned and put his arm around me. "That's my girl."

I looked up at him. "Your girl?"

"Yes." He leaned into my ear and whispered. "My girl."

I elbowed him lightly seeing Wayne narrow his eyes at his nephew. "Boy will you quit flirting and get over here."

Eddie obeys and they finish up whatever the hell they were doing. "Gimme your keys." Eddie commands. I was going to give him shit but didn't want to waste the time and handed them to him.

He started up there car and it came to life with no issues. I let out a thank God while Wayne closes the hood and walks over to me. Eddie gets out of the car and hands me back my keys.

"Your starter wasn't lined up with the ring gear on the flywheel. It could have just shifted slightly which caused the noise." He puts his toolbox back in his car. "Not a big problem, just a pain in the ass to fix."

"I really appreciate you coming to fix it. Thank you." I smiled at him.

"Of course darlin." He pulled me into a side hug and I returned it. "Don't be a stranger now. Feel free to come by once in awhile."

I laughed and looked to Eddie. He seemed like he was hiding a big grin on his face. "I'll make sure to do that."

He let's me go after giving me a squeeze. "Am I going to see you before I head off to work later?"

Eddie scratches the back of his neck. "I might hang here for a few."

Wayne nods then he takes off. "Did you know what he was talking about with your starter?" Eddie asks me as we wave his uncle off.

"Not a clue." I said. When Wayne was out of sight I turned to Eddie with a giant smirk. "So you've been talking about me huh?"

Eddie returns my smirk. "Only about how impossibly hard to get you kept playing."

"That's not what your uncle says," I said in a sing song tone. He shakes his head then kicks at a pebble by his feet. "You okay?"

"I actually wanna ask you something?" I tilt my head. He pauses for a moment like he was thinking of his next words. "I didn't go too far... did I?"

"When?" I wasn't entirely sure what he meant.

His hand ran over his mouth as if to wipe away what's blocking him from speaking. "After the movie."

I reached up and pulled his face to meet my gaze. "Is that what's been bothering you all day?" He gave me a soft nod and bit his lip. I sighed deeply. "In case you haven't noticed dingus I didn't mind at all."

His brows furrow together. "You didn't?"

I took my hand and grabbed his. "You can't be that oblivious."

He stood in shock for a moment. "Well shit." He let's out a chuckle. "In that case." He grabbed my face and brought my lips to his.

My back hit the side of my car while his hands traveled from my cheeks to the sides of my neck.


Eddie let go of me and I busted out laughing.  I let out a sorry while trying to control my breathing.

"You'll understand when you're older Henderson," Eddie says to him then runs up and tackles him.

They go on like that for a few minutes and I just watched in amusement.

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