13. Not the Right Time

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TW: Marijuana

The movies played out with comments from Eddie and I here and there. My explanation how each kid was being stupid and Eddie arguing how if we were in that situation we'd do the same thing. When the credits rolled we just sat there for a few minutes to let the crowd die out.

"Am I taking you home or you taking up my 'after party' offer?" Eddie says as we put the speakers back.

I shrugged slightly. "I got nothing better to do." I picked up what looked to be a flannel that was pushed in the corner behind Eddie's seat. "This yours?"

He looks at it. "Yeah. I keep in here in case I need another layer."

I nod then throw it on. "Good. I'm borrowing it."

"Yes ma'am." Eddie chuckles then we drive off back to Hawkins still arguing about the movie.

"I'm just saying! If Freddy boy came into my dreams I'd fuck him up for interrupting my sleep." I say.

"And I'm just saying you'd get your ass handed to you." He replies.

I cross my arms over my chest. "You don't know what you're talking about."

It went on like this the whole ride. I didn't even realize we made it back to Hawkins until we parked. It looked like a wooded area, but behind us was a lake. A good size one too. We got out and I took in the soft blues surrounding us.

We sat on the edge of the van, the doors blocking what cold wind would pass through. Eddie pulled out his tin and went to work rolling a joint then lighting it. We spent some time just passing it back and forth. Listening to the water splash and the frogs croak.

"Can I ask you something," Eddie asked softly.

I slowly blew out a stream of smoke. "Do you need my permission to ask?" I pass it back to him.

"Fair point." He took a long drag then turned it in his fingers. "Why'd you move to Hawkins?"

"It's a long story," I pull my leg up and rest my chin on my knee. "I got expelled from my old school. My folks gave me a choice. Hawkins with Aunt C or a Catholic School up north."

"Hm," Eddie stares at the ground. Then this smirk grows on his face and his shoulders shake. "Bet you would've looked good in a school girl uniform." He laughs out.

I push his shoulder. "You never quit do you?"

"You don't seem to mind." He pushed back softly. "But seriously. What'd you do to get kicked out? I'm trying to take notes here."

A soft laugh escaped my lips. "I uh... broke a guy's nose." I straightened up and gave a victorious grin. "The star quarterback's to be exact."

His eyes widened and he looks at me astonished. "What did he do?"

Some smoke fell from my lips as I spoke. "He and his gang of meat heads decided to have a contest to see how many 5 Star Slaps they could get on the women of the school. He hit my ass. I yelled out in pain. I broke his nose." I shook my head in disbelief remembering that day. "I got expelled and left with a painful handprint for 3 days and his dad, the pastor, got the town to pray for his recovery."

"That's fucked up." Eddie leaned his head back and blew a cloud above us.

"Yeah," I said softly. "It was."

"But least you got to meet me." He bumps me again and I smiled slightly.

"Still determining if that's a good thing." He leaned back and looked offended then looks away with a grin. "Since you asked me something, it's my turn?"

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