A New Beginning Beyond the Grave

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The moon had my heart and soul trapped for a few moments. It was as if it pulled at me, calling me into its vastness. It was so beautiful. Then my own personal Satan ripped me from the perfect moment of bliss.

"Upsy Daisy, my small friend!"

"I haven't even known you a day and I already hate you." I squeaked at him in frustration. "I don't care what you say, you're the fucking devil."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, my little peach." He said. I could hear that wretched creepy smile in his voice.

"What is your name anyway," I asked as I got to my feet.

"Francesco, but you can call me Frankie."

"Whatever you say Frank." I looked around for the evil mobster and could see no sign of him.

"You wound me Bill!" Frank said in mock outrage. "But I guess it's Billie now!"

Frank's cackle reverberated around the clearing I found myself in. It was an almost perfectly round clearing in the middle of a forest. ...at night, this isn't good. Not at all!

"Frank, where the hell are we?" I asked, panic rising in my heart.

"Your new home," his said, laughter cutting off instantly. "The world doesn't have any particular name, each race having their own name for it, but the land you are currently standing on is officially not in any particular country or kingdom.

"The closest kingdom is Drakkon, kingdom of the Farfnaram Clan."

"You just made that shit up didn't you?"


"I really fucking hate you."

"I don't know a damn thing about this world. I'm new here too snookums."

"I want to ask where you are but I'm not sure I really want to know the answer."

"I'm in your head."

"Yep, didn't want to know that. Why am I still naked?"

"Because you don't have any clothes."

"Right, fan-fucking-tastic! Thank you captain obvious! Wait no, no thanks because you are completely useless!! I... you know what-" I shut my mouth and started walking.

I was naked, slightly cold, really hungry and unbelievably thirsty. I walked.


I walked for what I am sure was hours, the giant moon ambling across the sky and peeking its way through the forrest canopy. The shafts of light casting uncanny shadows, that moved like slinking animals with the shifting branches in the wind.

"This place is creepy!" I hissed aloud.

"You're telling me!" Frank said, his voice a heated whisper that seemed to still come from everywhere and nowhere at once.

"Goddammit Frank, you brought me here can you tell me anything?"

"Ah see, that's where you are wrong, I made the offer but, I had no part in where you went. As far as I know its random."

"Well that's just grand!" I yelled without thinking.

The forrest already mostly quiet, became completely quiet. Eerily quiet.

"Well Billie, you fucked up." Frank said in monotone.

Suddenly there were howls and crashes in the distance. I began to run full tilt away from the new very loud noises.

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