A Grave Mistake

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"What the hell did you do?" I screamed at the tall sexy airhead. She turned and looked at me with an innocent face. I wasn't going to fall for it.

"What do you mean, tiny elf?" The witch asked with a sad look and tone. I was absolutely sure now she was evil.

"You! You broke something. What the hell is a quest? I've been here for more than one hundred and fifty damn years and never once have I seen or heard anything about a quest. What have you done?"

Suddenly the witches innocent look faded and an evil grin took over her face. Then she laughed, an evil villain laugh. She slowly walked towards me and the sky began to darken. Lightning began to fill the sky. She raised her arms and dark purple balls of swirling light filled her palms. Finally her cackling laughter stopped as she stood towering before me.

"Fuck you Frank." I said flatly. The magic show instantly stopped.

"Ah, man! How did you guess it was me?" The witches arms fell to her sides and a thoroughly dejected look came over her beautiful face.

"Because, the last time weird shit happened in my life it was you. I haven't seen you since you left me in the woods. So weird shit happens again it's most likely your fault." I accused pointing a finger up at him. "Why are you a chick?"

"Ah, well that's because Gabriel thought it would be funny." Frank shrugged. "I don't really care. I never choose my form when I go to mortal worlds. He was the one who chose the gangster last time."

"Ok, what the hell? There is way more to unpack in that that I think I will ever what to consider. Next time I ask a question not pertaining to this world we are on now please just ignore me."

"You got it." Frank said shooting double finger guns at me with a smile and wink. The sight of the sexy witch making the gesture did funny things to me I did not want to think about.

"Why are you here?" I said throwing my arms in the air. Frank just looked at me smiling. "Right. Nevermind."

I just turned and started walking down the road towards the nearest town. Frank followed beside me.


When I got to the town I went to the tavern. I really needed a drink. I hadn't thought about Frank and my past life in a very long time. Now all kinds of negative feelings and thoughts raced through me. I wasn't prepared for it.
I sat on a high stool the tavern kept for me. After so many long years I had become something of a fixture in the human town. Frank sat across the table from me and just watched as I stared at the woodgrain in front of me. It only took a couple minutes for the beautiful smiling barmaid to bring me a small mug of a dark colored brew I favoured.

She asked Frank what he... she wanted and Frank asked for what I was having, "only a bit bigger" which made the barmaid laugh. Just a moment later she returned with Frank's mug.

"Well you've leveled quite nicely since I left you here." Frank said.

"You hurt me Frank." I blurted out. Frank froze at my words. "I didn't notice until I realized it was you. You hurt me. You took me from my miserable life flung me here saved me and abandoned me. I was clueless and terrified."

My words choked out and tears threatened to fall as I spoke. "You saved me and abandoned me. I didn't get to tell you thank you for saving me. I didn't get to thank you for my new life. You weren't there when I was scared, happy, sad. You weren't there when my new mom and dad died. You weren't there for a hundred and fifty-five years."

As I spoke my voice began to rise and everyone got quiet and turned to look as I spoke. Frank sat still and quiet watching me. I could see deep sadness on the beautiful face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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