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You're lying in bed, dressed only in your bra and underwear. Lying next to you is Gerard, your "secret" boyfriend. It's not very secret though, seeing as he's a famous rock star with his band, My Chemical Romance. Everyone knows something is up - his band mates, his fans, they just don't know it's you.

"I have to get back to work soon," You bring up out of the blue.

"So do I," He replies, "But who cares if we're late?" He leans in a connects his lips with yours, kissing you passionately. You pull away almost immediately.

"My boss," You answer honestly, "I don't have a job like you do, G. Where you can show up whenever you want scotch-free. I'll get fired if I'm late again. God knows how many times I've shown up to work late because of you..."

"Why don't you just marry me then?" He proposes, "Then you'll never have to work another day in your life. Doesn't that sound enticing?"

"It does, Gerard, but..." You sit up and look back at him, "What about Lindsey and Bandit? You know, your wife and daughter?"

He heaves a sigh before responding, "I'll deal with them...soon. I promise."

"You've said that to me a thousand times. How soon is soon?"

Gerard sits up and tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear, "Soon, (Y/N). I promise. I'll deal with them soon and then you and I can finally be together. We can move to that small little nice lake house somewhere far away like we've always talked about. And you'll never have to worry another day in your life about being late to things." He intertwines his fingers with yours and brings your hand to his lips. "I promise."

"I'm getting sick of your promises, Gerard," You slip your hand out of his and stand up, walking around the room and collecting your discarded articles of clothing, "I've heard those two words more times than you've changed your hair color." He glares at you. "Hey, when are we supposed to leave by?" You change subjects.

"Why does it even matter?"

"Because hotels like this don't care when you come in, all they care about is when you leave." You slip your shirt on over your head and turn to towards Gerard.

"I really hate having to meet you in a place like this, (Y/N)."

"Well until your wife and daughter are out of the picture, we're going to have to deal with it." You walk over to him and kiss him on the lips, "I'll see you in a couple weeks, right?"

"Yeah, a couple weeks," He replies sadly. You give him one more kiss and head for the door.

"At least let me walk to your car," Gerard offers spontaneously as he jumps to his feet. You stop in the doorway and glance back over your shoulder at him.

"But you're not even dressed," You point out.

"Give me a second and I will be!" He exclaims, starting to frantically search the room for his clothes.

You roll your eyes, "Goodbye, Gerard. I'll see you in two weeks."

Wentz Motel (FOB Imagine Story ft. MCR and P!ATD)Where stories live. Discover now