Lost Albums...Literally This Time

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Gerard and Frank are standing in Cabin 1, examining the albums they discovered, when they hear in the next room over, "I need the master key ring." The two band members freeze.

"Master key ring?" Gerard whispers to Frank who "shh"s him. The singer rolls his eyes and leans in, whispering even quieter than before, "What the hell would someone want the master key ring for?

"Y-Your dad has it." They hear next, followed by a slamming sound.

"Shit, someone's going to come in," The guitarist murmurs.

"Then let's get out!"

"But what about the CDs?" Frank holds up the CDs in his hands, "And what about (Y/N)?"

The two stand there for a little, contemplating on what they should do, but the next they know, the doorknob clicks to the side, indicating that someone was going to come in.

"Go! Go go go!" Frank mutters under his breath, pushing Gerard into the bathroom and following him in there, closing the door behind him just as the door to the room is opened. The two men hide in the shower behind the curtain, their breathing heavy and their hearts pounding against their chests as they try their best to not get caught.

They listen to the shuffling coming from the opposite side of the bathroom door as someone searches through the room. Once they hear the door click shut, the two stumble out of the shower and out into the bedroom, seeing that the room had been torn apart - the dressers cleared out, and more importantly, the CDs underneath the bed gone.

"...And anyways, I've found someone better to spend my days with," They hear from outside the room.

"Who?" A different voice retorts.

"No one you know."

"Well, Pete, I don't know where you're going or if you're ever coming back, but just be safe, okay? Out there, your dad can't protect you like he does here."

"Well I don't need his protection. And I don't need yours either."

Following the conversation is the sound of wheels spinning as a car screeches out of the parking lot. Gerard and Frank exchange a skeptical look with each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Frank inquires, looking into his friend's hazel eyes.

"That stash is such a cool word?" Gerard replies in a bit of a reverie.

"What? No! I'm thinking that maybe (Y/N) is with that Pete guy!" Frank exclaims excitedly underneath his breath. "Wherever he's going!"

"And what makes you think that?"

"Well, he's probably the one who was in her room, and it seems like he took everything of hers with him. Including those CDs. So, you put two and two together and-"

The singer gasps and smacks his friend on the arm, "Oh my god, you're right! We should follow him!"

The guitarist nods his head in agreement and the two men walk out of the room together. Brendon - who's still standing in the threshold of the main officer - raises his eyebrow in suspicious as he watches the two guests slip into the car they drove here, reversing out of the spot they were parked in and racing away.

The young man rolls his eyes and retreats to the office, where he sits behind the desk and heaves a sigh, "Well, it looks like we're back to being a ghost motel. This is great...just great."


You're sitting in the cabin by yourself, tending to the fire you started in the fireplace. You have the thin covers wrapped around you tightly to keep you warm. Your eyebrows are furrowed together as you stare into the burning embers, anger boiling up inside of you.

You ran away with Pete because you wanted to be with someone who actually cares about you. Who isn't going to leave you to be with his wife and daughter that he promises he'll leave soon, time and time again. Who's going to give you what you wanted, not just give you empty promise after empty promise.

Sure, Pete's only eighteen years old, but you felt like that he was more mature than his age. You felt like he was different. Not in the way that his father and friend had warned you about, but in a way that your world was finally coming into perspective. As if Pete was the missing piece you've been looking for.

But then he went and left you and now you resent him. He's just like every other guy you've had in your life. You're tired of being the "other girl". You want someone who's going to be there for you till the end, who's going to find you when you go missing, who's going to make you genuinely happy.

Just then, the door cracks open behind you and you glance back over your shoulder, seeing Pete walk in with bags in his hands. Your anger dissipates a little bit. The corner of his lip curls up into a smirk when he sees you, "Hey, you're up."

"Where were you?" You inquire, resting your head on your knees that are pulled into your chest, your arms wrapped around your legs.

"I went back to the motel to get your stuff and mine, and pick up a few things from the grocery store," He answers you honestly, "See?" He tosses you your duffel bag and it breaks open in front of you, the contents spilling out onto the floor - your clothes and the albums you'd taken.

Your eyes widen when you see the CDs and you immediately begin to skim through them, noticing you don't have all of them. Your heart begins to beat a little faster. "W-Where'd you find these?"

"Under the bed," Pete replies, walking over to the fridge and putting the perishable items he purchased away, "Why?"

"Were there any more? Was this all there was?"

"Yeah. Was there supposed to be more?"

"Shit!" You mutter under your breath, tossing the CDs to the side and putting your head in your hands, "Shit shit shit shit."

"What?" He glances back over his shoulder at you.

You drag your hands down your face and look up at with Pete, angry with him all over again, except this time it's for a different reason. "This isn't good, Pete. This isn't good!"

"What's not good?"

You hang your head and play with your hands in your lap, "I-I can't tell you."

He closes the refrigerator and makes his way over to you, kneeling down in front of you and placing his fingers underneath your chin, tilting it up so you're looking up at him. "Of course you can. You can tell me anything, (Y/N)."

"No, no I really can't, Pete. You don't understand." You stand up and take a few steps away from him, crossing your arms over your chest as you shake your head, "I can't stay here. I need to leave. I'm not safe."

"Hey," He stands up and approaches you, snaking his arms around your torso and pulling you closer to him, "You're not going anywhere. We're not going anywhere, because as long as you're with me, you're safe."

"How can you be so sure of that, Pete?" You croak, tears brimming your eyes as you try to look back at him, "How do you know?"

"Because no one's going to find us out here," He tells you, a reassuring smile growing on his face, "Besides, no one knows about this place but Brendon and he's not going to be a problem. Trust me."

You swallow hard.

Wentz Motel (FOB Imagine Story ft. MCR and P!ATD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang