Unfortunately Shifted

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Sickie/Little: Seungmin (puppy hybrid, beta)

Caregivers: mainly Chan (alpha), Minho (omega)

No one's POV.:

It had almost been a week since Seungmin had come down with a cold. At first, it had barely affected him, just a bit of a runny nose, so it wasn't too hard for the vocalist to work through it. The alphas of the group had not been too happy about that, especially Chan as the pack-alpha despised one of his dongsaengs working while sick but their schedules were tight and they couldn't really afford a member missing either, so the leader grumpily had to accept it. The omegas had pretty much started clinging to Seungmin the moment they realized the boy was feeling a bit under the weather. They just wanted to make their friend feel better but frequent scolding from Chan eventually forced them away. Felix had been the most persistent, already pouting when he had to let the other go to the bathroom alone but the leader insisted, they couldn't afford anyone else catching it. Felix had been rather moody ever since, no matter how hard Hyunjin and Jisung tried to cheer him up. Hyunjin too had been clinging to Seungmin but relented after a while, though the vocalist frequently had to assure him that he was still feeling fine and that it was really only his nose bothering him.

Jisung hated that Seungmin was denied cuddles and occasionally got quite mad at Chan. One evening, he had almost challenged the older alpha to alpha if it hadn't been for Seungmin intervening and agreeing with their leader. The younger had insisted that he was fine, though a little sniffly, so it wasn't worth getting anyone else sick too. Jisung wasn't convinced but when his dongsaeng had huffed that he might also appreciate some space sometimes, the rapper resigned to taking care of Hyunjin and Felix. The two omegas were truly struggling with being kept away from their friend, so Jisung stayed close, frequently scenting them for comfort. Though Seungmin had in fact been a little annoyed by the members' clinginess, he soon came to crave the affection as his cold steadily got worse. It slowly moved from his nose to his chest, keeping the vocalist up for hours each night as he just couldn't seem to stop coughing long enough to fall asleep.

Minho knew. Of course, he did. Sharing a dorm with his dongsaeng, the dancer had listened to most of the other's nightly coughing fits. He also knew that Chan's warning about clinging to their friend also included him but he decided simply checking on the younger did not equal clinging to him. That was how Minho found himself sitting on the edge of Seungmin's bed late one night, rubbing the vocalist's back. When the younger seemed to catch his breath for the time being, Minho frowned: "If I asked how you're feeling, would you give me an honest answer? I know that you're not really feeling fine, like you keep insisting but without more details, I don't know how to help." - "I- I'm tired", Seungmin admitted hesitantly, his voice sounding painfully scratchy "It's so frustrating because I just want to sleep but I can't. That and my throat hurts from all the coughing." The older nodded, chewing on his bottom lip.

"How about I make you a cup of tea?", Minho offered after taking a moment to think, "We can just sit and relax, while you sip that and then we'll see if you'll be able to sleep. If it doesn't work, I'll find some cough syrup." Seungmin nodded, massaging his throat. He felt sorry for keeping his hyung up too but he didn't really want to tell the older to leave either, craving at least some company. Settling back against the pillows, the vocalist allowed himself to close his eyes and almost fell asleep while Minho was in the kitchen making tea. Sleep was probably what he needed most right now, at least if the headache was anything to go by. Well, his back also ached a little, so he might also have developed a fever. His lower back always got sore when he had a fever, something he hated about being a hybrid. Having a tail could really mess with his back sometimes but it was even worse when he was hiding his tail, so there wasn't much he could do about it.

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