You wouldn't understand

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Little: Hyunjin (omega)

Caregivers: Chan (alpha), Felix (omega)

No one's POV.:

Chan prided himself with being a patient and understanding caregiver to the littles in his group. He understood that Hyunjin needed lots of cuddles and reassurances, frequent and thorough scenting generally a quiet time. Jeongin being an alpha had very different needs and usually wore on Chan's patience a lot more, always disobeying to see how far he could go. Still, the leader loved both of them to bits. As time passed, their dynamics changed a bit. While Hyunjin was most attached to Chan, Jeongin preferred an omega taking care of him and tended to cling more to Minho, which was fine with the oldest as long as their maknae was happy. That was the main reason for their new living arrangements after moving into the new dorms. Hyunjin was definitely going to live in the same dorm as Chan, while Jeongin would stay with Minho, and since it would be most convenient for their work, 3racha wouldn't be separated either, leaving Felix and Seungmin to live with Minho and Jeongin.

Hyunjin loved his new dorm and having a room to himself. Sometimes he simply needed some alone time after having been around people all day. In his own room, he had enough space to work on his paintings and didn't have to worry about his art supplies laying around and possibly bothering people. While most of his room was dedicated to his art, his bed was covered with lots of soft blankets and plushies, perfect for nesting especially when he slipped into his headspace. It was cozy and though Hyunjin sometimes missed their late-night talks, he wouldn't have it any other way.

The new living arrangements also allowed 3racha to work at the dorm more, so if they wanted to make music on their days off, they'd do so in Chan's room. That way, someone would be there if Hyunjin ended up using his free time to slip. Though it was often the case, it had never been a problem. The boy would either sit with his plushie in his lap and color for hours, or he'd be all snuggled up against Chan's chest, nosing at the alpha's scent glands. He'd contently sit there and get his fair share of headpats while his friends worked and proudly let him listen to their new songs. Hyunjin learned a lot about songwriting while hanging around 3racha even when he was in his headspace. With Jisung being an alpha like Chan and Changbin being a beta, the dancer had no other omega living with him but it had never been a problem before, so why should that suddenly change?

They had another day off but today, 3racha had decided against producing music. Changbin had taken Jeongin to the gym, while Jisung hung out with Minho. Chan insisted on staying at the dorm though. Mainly because it had been a while since Hyunjin had last been little and would probably slip at some point during the day. He knew the younger needed his space, so Chan hung out in his room, watching a new anime, that he had wanted to check out for a long time already but had always been too busy. Hyunjin knew he needed to tell his caregiver when he slipped, so the leader simply waited for his dongsaeng to seek him out first.

While Chan grabbed himself a small bite for breakfast, which he took back to his room to eat in front of his TV, he saw Hyunjin from the corner of his eye, carrying what the Aussie believed to be laundry. He greeted the younger, who gave him a sleepy smile in return, and returned to his room, breakfast in hand. The next time Chan ran into the other, was when he wanted to get a drink and took his dirty plate back to the kitchen. Hyunjin had thrown the 'laundry' he had been carrying earlier right in the middle of the living room and had curled up on top of the pile. Now that was certainly strange. The dancer had never done that, so after placing his plate into the sink, Chan joined him in the living room, crouching next to the curled-up omega. "Hey", the leader smiled softly, running his hand through Hyunjin's long hair, "What are you doing out here, hm?" Instead of replying, the omega started to purr softly at the affection.

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