This Isn't A Good-Bye, It's A See You Later

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Hello everyone,

Through a lot of debate I have made the difficult decision to take a year-long break from my writing. You have all probably noticed how inconsistent my updates have been in the past two years, this is due to various personal reasons I do not feel comfortable disclosing, it is also due to these reasons that I have officially decided to step back.

I understand that this probably brings forth a lot of disappointment and maybe some anger and I sincerely apologize for that however I have to put myself first and, as sad as it is, this is me putting myself first. It's not that I don't appreciate you guys because I do, I really do, and your support has helped me more than you will ever know but I'm going to need your support for this too.

You will hear from me again someday in the future but until then, thank you and see you soon.

Theodore :]

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