Chapter 6|| The Monster

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~Chapter 6||The Monster

Ember sat in her room listening to music and reading a book, Link and Jaz where in bed and her mother was out drinking and sleeping with a new man and her father was still on his business trip.

the phone rung abruptly, Ember sighed and picked up her phone "Hello?" she said

"who's this?" It was her dad

"Ember, your daughter" she sighed

"okay, i'm going to be on my trip for an extra week or two, o-okay" he breathed, Ember nearly threw up knowing the reason for his stuttering 

"okay" as she said that the phone was put down on the other end "goodbye" she slammed her phone down and continued to read her book but there was a loud knock at the door.

she rolled her eye, grabbing her silk rode to cover her half naked body, only wearing a bra and panties as she just got dressed from the shower, she threw her wet hair into a clip making it a bun

the knocking kept going "okay, i'm coming" she said, rather annoyed someone was knocking this late "yes?" she swung open the door and there stood a broken Steve "Steve? what's wrong?" she pulled him in

leading him the the couch "what's Jonathan got that i don't?" he looked to his right at Ember "i thought she loved me" Steve dropped his head onto Ember's shoulder, playing with the strap of her robe, carefully

"what happened?" she asked rubbing his arm in a comforting way

"Nancy, she had Jonathan at hers, and he was staying her room" he mumbled

"i'm sure it's nothing, so don't beat yourself up about it okay, you're an amazing person, you are kind and funny, and have great hair" Ember smiled, Steve let out one breathy laugh "i promise you it was nothing, and if it was something, then i'll... i don't know but i'll owe you"

Steve looked up "why was she even with Jonathan in the first place?" 

"i don't know, they went... photographing? i don't know" Ember shook her head, Steve smiled at her "what?" she smiled

"you're really beautiful" he said

"you're saying that because you're mad at Nancy-" Steve sat up interrupting her

"i mean it, mad at Nancy or not, i'm calling my best friend beautiful" he looked into her eyes, she felt some pain in her heart when he called her friend

"thank you, Steve. You're very beautiful you're self" she smiled at him

"why thank you" he flopped down and lay his head on Embers bare lap "hi" he giggled looking up at her

"hi" she giggled back at his silliness "would you like anything to drink?" she asked

"a beer!" he smiled "please"

"sure thing" he got up to let her out "why'd you come to me anyway?" Ember asked looking back at him as she popped open two beers

"i knew i..." he paused his loud sentence "i knew i could be vulnerable around you" he whispered, enough for Ember to hear

"thank you for trusting me" Ember smiled

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