Chapter 13||Dig Dug

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Chapter 13||Dig Dug

Ember was at the store to get groceries when she heard girls talking "have you see how close Billy and Ember are?" she heard them all hum in agreement 

"yeah, i've heard they've had sex, like, loads of time" another added on

"i heard they got into an argument because Ember was flirting with Steve, what a slut" a girl giggled

Ember's blood boiled with anger "i heard he's only with her for sex" a girl whispered

"i heard Ember was about to hurt each one of you" she looked around and spotted Kelly "didn't i say i'd kill you if you talked bad about me again?" Ember walked towards her

"i-i wasn't talking about you, they were!" Kelly shirked

"i think you did, you see, four different people spoke, and, theres only four of you here." Ember smiled getting closer

"please, i didn't mean it" Kelly hid behind one of her friends

"please, you think i won't hit one of these bitches? you hiding behind them won't help" Ember went for her as Kelly threw her friend forwards and Ember pushed them into the selves and Ember ran out the store after Kelly.

Kelly didn't run far since she had heels on.

Ember grabbed her arm and pulled her close, Kelly's back pressed against Embers front, Ember wrapped her hand around her throat "you thought you could out run me?" she chuckled into Kelly's ear

"please, i didn't mean it" Kelly whimpered

"really? Because you sure seemed to when you were speaking to your friends? you saw me and regretted everything, now you pay the price" Ember threw her to the floor, Kelly's head hit the concrete, making her hold her head in pain

Ember didn't care, she got on top of her and punched her face, Kelly grabbed her arms and scratched down them, Ember hissed and pinned her hands above her head, she slammed her arms down

"please!" Kelly cried in pain

Ember ignored her, she let go with one hand as the other held both of Kelly's arms, as Ember checked for blood on her arms, as her arms poured blood, Kelly wiggled her arm out and hit Ember in the face

she fell the the side and Kelly got on top of her hitting her face, Ember brought her legs up and pulled Kelly's waist down, he back hit the floor with force, winding her.

Ember got on top again, hitting her face "you wanna say that shit again!?" Ember shouted at Kelly, little did Ember know, their brawl had brought an audience.

she just kept on hitting her as Kelly tried to hit back but failed.

soon arms wrapped around Ember, she looked at Jim, he pulled her away from Kelly and to the side "shows over!" he shouted to everyone, Ember finally saw the crowd that had formed around her.

the only face she recognised was Jaz's, she felt her heartbreak, thinking about how her sister had to watch that, Jaz went out with her friend and their mom to get away from this awful life style, but Ember just brought it to her.

Jim took Ember to his truck and Ember got in "you can't call my parents" is all she said

"kid, i have to" he looked at her before driving to the station

"no you don't understand, my mom is out and my dad is on a business trip, if they have to come back they wont be happy" she looked at Jim with hopeful eyes

"kid, i ha-" Ember interrupt him

"please! you don't understand what he's like, please" her voice broke as she cried, never has she ever been so vulnerable to someone other then Steve

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