6.The cottage

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Chapter 6

I walk through the group and jump into the limo. I go to the front so that everyone can fit in. I sit down on the black leather sits. There were very comfy. The rest of the boys jump in. Harry sits beside me and Niall comes down and makes me push over, pushing Harry down the line of sit, making Harry hit Liam in the head with his hand, making Liam hit Zayn in the gut with his hand, which ended up getting Louis who was just about to sit down a punch in the balls.

Louis doubled over in pain rolling on the floor just as Paul comes in. He looks down the line of sits looking at each one of us seeing who it was that made this happened. I turn to look at Niall, making it look as if he hit me, instead of me moving Harry and so on.

Paul wasn't looking at Niall though when I turned back to see who it was. He was staring right at me. " It was you," he states knowingly," but since you’re not one of the boys it's a warning. Not funny business in the limo."

I nodded my head yes and turned to glare at Niall but he wasn't mad he just smiled back at me.

"Jane, how old are ya?" Liam asked me.

"I am 17 almost 18. Just in a couple weeks." I say looking over at him.

"Oh, that’s very close to are age." he replies, turning to face out the window.

They were close to my age? They didn't seem even close to my age, may be Liam and Zayn but not Louis, Harry or Niall.

"How old are you guys?" I ask to the boys.

" I am 19." Liam clammed.

"Me to." Zayn says.

"Me to" repeats Niall.

"Me to” revealed Harry.

"I am 21."  Announced Louis.

"WHAT!!" I turn to look at Louis." You are that old?"

"Hey! I am not an old man here!" says Louis

"No, I think you are Louis."  Declared Harry

"Shut up Harold!" Louis yells at his band mate.

"Stop it guys! Where here!" yells Paul over the 2 boys.

I look out to see a wooden cottage. It was not far from a lake, only about 100 feet from the deck painted white. It was 2 stories high and had a balcony looking out to the lake. There was nobody close to here. The nearest cottage was miles away.

We had to park a little ways from the cottage so the limo could get out of the drive way and turn back to town.

We all got out of the limo. Niall last. Paul leading the group to the front door.

Are feet crunched the gravel as we walked. The sun had diapered and clouds had moved in fast. It looked as if it were going to rain. If it did, I hoped it wouldn’t be too much to wash up the roads out of here.

We finally got to the front door. It was a pale blue setting off the colors in the tanned wood.

I walked into the door and looked around. We stood in the kitchen .You would have never guessed that these boys where famous by looking at where they lived. The house was a disaster! There were plates and cups all over the counters and filled the sink up so high there where even some falling on the floor.

"O.K. guys. I'll see you tomorrow" Paul’s says closing the door behind us.

Liam turns around and remembers that I was there. "Oh, Jane do you mine waiting outside so we can do a face clean up." he asks.

I don't answer; I just walk right back outside and shut the blue door. I walk out to the lake and I take off my black work shoes and throw them aside. Then I roll up my black pants above my knees. I take off my work shirt reveling a plan white tank top. I throw my shirt beside my shoes.

I go and stand in the warm water to just under my knees. Not wanting to get wet. I stand there thinking.

Great, I just lost my job. Just want I needed. I was already having troubles with school, now no job. There weren't many jobs in this town a 17 year old can do, aren't many jobs at all. I had lost 3 jobs in one month and had only gotten about 120 $ out of it all, it all went to money for gas in my car. I had to sell the car two. Someone took it yesterday, for 500$ but all that money went to my mom. I owed her money, she owed the back money. It all went to the bank. I guess my job really was just a wast of my time and shouldn't even go fine a new on-

"JANE!" I hear Louis yell from the deck.

I turn to look at him. He was smiling. "You can come in!" he adds.


This time when I walked in everything was clean or put away. I walk through the kitchen to the living room. There was a big couch that could fit 10 people in the shape of an L. There was a big flat screen TV on the only wooden wall out of the 4 wall. The others were made of windows looking out to the lake.

Niall walks in to the living room holding a navy book bag. He smiles and hands it to me.

It was my bag from work. The manager must have given it to one of the boys on their way out. I open it up to find my phone, my swim suit and extra close and shoes.(Just in case! Anything could happened!)

I look up to thank Niall but my eyes go black and I feel hands over them.

" Guess who?" the owner of the hands ask.


Who's hands are they's?? Vote read comment!!!

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