17. going out?

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Hey purple unicorns!!

I want to get a shout out toooo thegirimegannicole and marry1Dhoran!!! Hey!! Go follow them and check out there profiles and books!!

hope ya guys like this chapter!!


Jane P.O.V

I watch the stars across the sky. They shine bright and pure. They where so beautiful. Something so far away could look so bright. I sometimes wish for one day if I could be a star. I coud watch the world from up high, watch them go away at life. But I would be so far from anything or anyone. I would get so lonely even if It was for one day.

I hear splashing near by, someone was swiming out to the dock also. I don't look up to see who it is. I just kept on watching the stars and the planes over head.

When a soaking yet Niall climps up, I try to not get distracted by his dazzeling beauty but it was so hard,I didn't want him to think I was falling for him cause I didn't want to be. I could be destoryed by there fans that didn't like me and the paparazzi would be all up in my face. But wait.... they didn'r know where One Direction was. They couldn't be up in my face... a stop it brain.

"Hey." Niall says laying down beside me.

His body was quite warm and I could feel the heat coming from him even though we weren't touching.

"Jane?" he asks.

"Yes, Niall?" I wonder want he was going to ask me.

"I was um wondering... if maybe..." He was struggling to get out his sentence.


"Will you go out on a date with me?" he blurts out closing his eyes tight.



Jane pov~

I sit there in my elementary school, in the hall way. I was reading one of my many beloved books. There were a group of boys hanging out at the end of the hall laughing. The other were a group of girls giggling. I was never going to be a part of there group was I. I sigh and keep on reading.

"Um, hello?" I look up to see a young boy the age of 10, his eyes where a dark brown and his hair was blonde.

"What?" I snap at him.

He looks over his shoulder to the group of boys,  they where all looking at him and most of them where smiling."Would ya be my girlfriend?" he asks looking back at me.

I had never had a boyfriend I was only 10. Nobody had asked me either, I took a chances and said the following, "Um, sure I guess."

I group of boys explode into laughter. The were almost on the floor rolling around. My checks blush a bright red in embarissment. Why would they laugh?

"Sorry, it was a prank." He turns around and runs back into the group of boys.

Great, they where just playing there prank games. Oh, lets go prank the new different girl. It didn't help either that that day was only my second day at this school.



I didn't want this to be a prank, I hoped so badly that it wasn't because  I had the same answer to him as that boy, "Yes."


Very short but I hope ya'll like it! What do ya think Nialls going to do?

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