Chapter 20 Fun in the sand

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I luv ya guys, my purple unicorns! Here’s a chapter cause I love ya sooooooooo much!

If ya like spy books go check out my other book called <<Life is different then you know it>>

If ya like an adventure with One Direction check out my book called<<1 princess 5 princes>>

If ya what something different check out my book called<<Flying away from home>>

Here ya go guys!

I feel warm sun on my eye lids and I hear birds chirping nearby. I also hear someone soaring very close as well. I flutter my eyes open and see Louis laying right next to me. His mouth open and eyes close. I try not to giggle. He looked really funny when he slept.

I look around the camp to see Zayn sleeping in a chair with his feet up on another. Liam was curled up in a bunch of blankets. Harry was lying in the sand with a towel wrapped around him. I look around for Niall but he was nowhere to be seen.

I stand up slowly trying not to wake anyone up. I get to the deck and open the sliding door. I go to the kitchen and Niall was there eating a sandwich. He smiles and me and swallows his food. “Good morning hun.” He says.

I smile back at him,”Gooooooood morning.” I say back.

I got take an apple out the fruit basket and take a big bite. “You know what we should do?” he asks.

“What?” I say.

“Let’s bury some of the boys like me and the boys did on the set of What makes you beautiful!” He smiles evilly.

I give him a high five and throw my apple out. I go and fine 2 shovels and hand one the Niall. “You do Harry and I do Louis.” I whisper to him.

We couldn’t bury Zayn he was in a chair and we couldn’t bury Liam because he was covered in blankets.

Niall nods, smirking. We walk back down to the beach and those lazy bums where still sleeping. I shake my hand and walk over to Louis. I start burying him slowly, not wanting him to wake up. I had covered his legs and his arms, then started covering his back. The sun was getting warmer and the soft sand at my feet was getting hot. I was getting worried that it would heat up on his back and could burn him. Oh well, I kept on putting sand on his back.  

After he was covered, I look to see how Niall was doing with Harry. He was just finishing up. He smiles at his work and then looks at mine. His smile grows and he high fives me softly.

We walk back up to the kitchen and  Niall asks me to make breakfast.I sigh, this was going to be soooo much fun... NOT!

I go and start to make some eggs. I forgot that you needed butter before and burnt the eggs. I tried again, this time with butter. i didn't filp it over fast enought and burnt that one. I try again, hoping I could at lest get one egg cooked for Niall. To bad it wasn't going to be the next 9 eggs. I sigh, one egg was all I had left and if I didn't get it right then I didn't know what else to cook him.

I put butter on the pan and then crake an egg. It fills the pan and the yellow yoak was right in the middle. I wait for it to turn more solide then liquide. "Filp it now." I hear Niall say from beside me.

I jump,"Niall! You scared me." I say holding my hand over my heart.

"Flip it before it starts to burn Jane!!" He says more focus on the food then me being scared.

I gentily filp the egg over. The side was all cooked and wasn't burnt. "Yay!! Thanks Niall." I say to him.

He smiles at me and gets out 2 plates, 2 forks and 2 cups. He puts them on the island and goes gets orange juice. I take the egg of the frying pan and put it on one of the plates. Niall poors orange juice into both classes and puts some strawberries onto each plate. He cuts the egg into 2 and slides haft of it onto the other plate. He sits down and slides the other plate to me.

I smile and sit next to him, enjoying the egg. "You can cook, but ya just need some pointers." Niall says.

I smile, I was fine with making cereal and toast but not cooking eggs or cookies. I finsihed my egg and my strawberries and drank my juice. I drop my dishes in the sink and go take Niall's dishes. "No, I am washing them." He says, not letting me take is dish.

I give up and go sit back down. Niall was washing the dishes when Liam walked in the door. He looks at Niall cleaning and then at me. "Who was cooking? Did you burn something?" He asks me.

"I-II I cooked and burnt 11 eggs." I say my face turns red.

He laughs at me and gets his own breakfest. "Let me guess, you two also buryed Harry and Louis?" he demands.

"Of course!" Niall says putting the dishes away.

He shakes his head smiling. "Paul is dropping some food off and some clothes for you Jane." Liam states.

I nod my head, finally I coould wear something that wasn't the guys.

Louis walks in, looking very angry. He had sand stincking to him all over his back and legs. "Which one of you did this?" He demands.

Niall points at me right away while I point at him. But Liam that little..... he was pointing at me.

Louis comes up to me and picks me off the chair. He holds me braidel style and walks out the door. I struggle trying to get out his arms but he was to stronge. "Louis! Let me goo!!" I yell at me.

He just smiles and keeps on walking. He gets to the beach and starts walking into the water. I foot touched the water but it wasn't warm anymore. Last night had made it very cold. I stayed still in his arms. He would drop me would he?

His arms throw me up high and I scream. The water was coming up fast to me. I close my eyes before making contact with the cold lake water. I jump up and start running after Louis. He was trying to get away so I couldn't make him wet. He was to slow in the water and I jumped on his back. I pull him down into the water.

I pop back up to fine Louis nowhere to be seen. Where was he? Then I feel hands around my waist and they pull me under. I open my eyes under the water to see Louis doing funning faces at me. I try to hold back my laughter but I couldn't. My air coming out my mouth. I have to go back up before I choked.

I run out the lake, I was hoping to get Niall and Liam wet now because they had made him think that it was all me. I run it to the house and give a big hug to Niall, he was soaking wet now. So, I head over to Liam and give him a big hug. He was now wet as well. I laugh at there faces.

This was already going to be a great day.

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