Chapter 1

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Constantine's POV

Betrick was the one to tell me or, at least, I think he was. It may have been Abicus though. Shes good at spreaeding information quickly.

"So the Ragnarok is finally upon us," I whisper to Abicus before yes begins her speech.

"Yes, I believe so." The smile on her face moments before vanished in the blink of an eye.

Betrick is sitting silently in the corner, his look with slight fear. He is the oracle so he was the one who had to go through the pain of seeing it happen.

"What can we do?" a man screams from the crowd.

Abicus gathers all her courage before stepping forward. "Theres only two things you can do and the choice is yours. Stand beside us and fight or sit at home awaiting your death. Make your choice now. If you do not wish to fight, leave now. Those who fight are probably going to die, but if you wish to, stay here."

After the crowd disperses three brave souls stand before us. Betrick, Abicus , and I step forward, nearing the new members of war.

"By staying you have just vowed your lives. We will now be a team so learn to get along. State your names and we will state ours, Deal?" she continues.

All three nod but none of them say anything for a few moments. finally the girl on the left speaks up.

"Serphia is my name," she says, barely audible.

" What was that?' betrick says rather loudly.

"Serphia," the girl says again, almost screaming, anger lacing her voice.

Hmm serphia, like a serphant. This land is full of different species so I wouldn't be surprised. We will know soon enough.

The humans are the only ones that use weapons. the others have... powers to fight with.

"And you?" I say nodding to the girl at the opposite end from Serphia.

"Im puck," she says.

All heads turn to the boy in the center. He looks very stuck up; I don't like it.

"Saved the best for last I see. Im percy. You've probably heard of me. I am pretty famous if I do say so myself." He says full of arrogance.

He'll be the first to die I just know it.

"Ok our turn. That," Abicus points toward her right, " is betrick." she points at me and I look away."this is Constantine, and im-" She was cut off by percy.

"Wings? You must be a fallen angel," he laughs," no wonder they dropped you, your not pretty enough to be a real angel."

I felt my purple eyes begin to glow as I lunge at him, only to be pulled out of the air by Abicus.

" I would shut up if I were you," she growls at percy. She whispers " take a walk" into my ear and I turn and run in the opposite direction.


Hey guys,

sorry if I have no set posting schedule im going along as I actually write it.

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