Started with a red marker

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Eddies POV

I and the losers club were sitting at the lunch table. Richie sitting next to me and Bill sitting next to Stan holding his hand as Stan reads a book about birds and Bev and Ben sitting next to each other making jokes to each other. I was bored out of my mind and I look over to Richie and see him drawing on his hands with a red marker but not just any marker the marker he used to right lover on my cast I still have my cast actually. I asked my mom if I could keep it she said sure (also I made Sona nice in theses oneshots) I also kept it since then because it reminded me of the time I was having a panic attack when I saw what someone wrote on it and he was there to comfort me even though he's the joking friend he was pretty serious when anyone hurt especially me I never knew why maybe because I was his closets friend. "Hey Ed's like what you see" Richie says with a smirk. Oh shit was I staring "no I spaced out sorry and don't call me that" I say hoping he's fine with it and doesn't think it's gay or anything "your fine Eddie Spaghetti and never" Richie says going back to drawing hearts with the red marker then I got an idea. "Hey rich can I see the marker also don't call me that" I say since hoping he lets me use it "sure Edward" Richie says handing me the marker "thanks chee and don't call me that" I say as I take the marker "wow you can call me chee but I can't call you Ed's or edwardo" Richie said a little offended "oh shut up" I say with a little laugh. "Rich face me" I said "what's up Ed's" he asked I take his face draw hearts and smilie faces "what are you doing" he says bud stays still "just some hearts and smily faces" I say focusing on drawing them "you know this is sharpie right" Richie says and I freeze "really" I say I look at the marker and realized it is sharpie "OH SHIT IM SO SORRY RICHIE LETS GO TO THE BATHROOM AND WAS THIS OFF" I yell and grab his hand to the bathroom. When we get to the bathroom I get a cloth and hands sanitizer out of my fancy pack and rub the hand sanitizer on his face with the cloth. It starts to come off thank god it is "thanks Ed's"Richie said rubbing his face with water just in case he doesn't get anything in his eyes "no problem rich and what did I tell you don't call me that" I say leaning agents the wall waiting for Richie to be done "whatever you say edwardo" Richie said smiling. As we are about to leave he takes my face and kisses me I was shocked at first but soften into it. We pull away and I was kinda shocked still "why'd You do that chee" I say looking at him still blushing a little "as a thank you Ed's I'll see you later tho classes Is starting in a few minutes" Richie said almost leaving but I grab his hand "Richie umm have you ever liked a boy "yeah obviously I'm gay eds" Richie said smiling at me "well I think I like someone that's a boy" I say looking down "well there nothing wrong with it Ed's and who is it" Richie asked "ummmm you" I said really quietly "what did you say-" Richie said but was Interrupted  by the bell "WELL I GOTTA GO KNOW BYEEWE" I say grabbing my backpack and leaving the bathroom passing Richie. Shit shit shit shit did he hear me or not what if he doesn't like me too dammit I'm so dumb.

I arrive home after school tired as hell and went to go take a nap but then the phone rang I went to go pick it up "hello kaspbrake house" I say hoping it's just some random Telemarketer "heeyyy Ed's" I hear shit it's Richie "oh hey chee" I say blushing a little bit "about earlier I didn't hear who you said you liked could you tell me know" he asked I could hear some sadness in his voice. "It's umm it's you actually I like you rich" I say he stays quite shit shit shit I put the phone done before Richie can respond I sit down on the floor next to the phone crying. Thank god my mom isn't home she out of down with friends I cry for a while and hear the phone ring again for the 12th time at this point I finally pick it up. "EDDIE THANK GOD YOU PICKED UP wait are you crying what's wrong are you okay" Richie said consider and sad "because you don't like me back" I say with a crack in my voices "who said I didn't Ed's" rich said and i knew he was smiling though the phone. "Wait do you like me back" I say hoping he says yes "of course I do I've loved you since 5th grade when you kisses me on the cheek" Richie said laughing a little "thank god I was scared" I said wiping tears off my cheeks. "Hey can I come over I was talk"Richie said "yeah yeah of course my mom isn't home so" I say gettin up from the floor "alright I'll see you soon bye bye babe" I hear Richie say and hang up I stood shocked because he called me babe I put the phone down and put my hands to my face and yell into them happy. "I go up to my room a clean up a bit which is just cleaning the comics off my floor and my bed. I what a knock at door and go downstairs and open it I see Richie standing there "hello babe" he says with a smile "hey chee" I say blushing a little and looking down "hey wanna just go to your room and cuddle or read comics" he asked "sure" I said looking up from the floor and going to my room with Richie. I sit on my bed as Richie looks threw the comics and picks one to read as we cuddle he finally picks one and lays next to me and I put my head on his shoulder and hold his free hand. He kisses my hand and smilies at me I blush when he looked into my eyes he still looks stupid as ever with his big glasses. We cuddle and read and I end up falling asleep first then Richie does.

This took so long to write hope you enjoy- Finn (1146) words

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