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Richies pov
I was in math class I had with Eddie, Stan and Bev I was so tired from not getting any sleep last night due to my parents yelling all night long. I turn my head to the board but my eyes start to get heavy so I lay my head down on my desk and fall asleep.

(In a dream)
I'm biking back home after school when I see Eddie on the ground all beaten up and with a black eye "omg Ed's are you okay what happened" I say as I rush over to Eddie "it's okay I'm fine ow" Eddie says putting his palm to his face "come here let me help you up" I say trying to grab his hand but he pulls away "I'll be fine dummy don't worry I'm used to it at this point I'll just fix myself up" Eddie says trying to stand up but he falls. I end up Catching him in my arms so he didn't hurt himself anymore "jeez Ed's who did this to you was it bowers I swear to go I'm going to-" I say but get caught off guard by a pair of lips hitting mine Specifically Eddie's lips they were so soft I lean in more and kiss him gentle. We pull away and I can see Eddie blushing "I said I was fun dummy it was bowers again but don't worry I'll be fine" Eddie said looking at me and giving me a peck on the cheek. "Anyways I gotta head home before my mom freaks out see ya chee" Eddie says picking up his bike and riding away from me "bye Ed's" i say loud enough so Eddie can hear "bye and don't call me that" Eddie says riding off into the distance. I just stand there wondering what just happened I touch my lips feeling where Eddie kisses them. "Hey Rick wake up" "RICHIE WAKE UP"

I flinch and wake up to see Bev shaking me awake "huh what happened" I say with a tired voice and just realizing I can't see my glasses probably fell off. "You fell asleep by the way Eddie walked out wearing your glasses so you better go get him" Bev says getting her backpack and leaving the class room. I grab my things still not being able to see very well I can still be outlines of shapes and luckily I make it to Eddie's class which was science. I wake in and go by his desk "Ed's can I have glasses back I can't see shit" I say holding my hand out hoping I was actually talking to Eddie "but you look better with them off rich and don't call me Ed's" Eddie says I can see mr glasses on his face I knew if I tried and grab them he would just move his head away fast "ugh Eddie please" I say annoyed because I'll be late for class but honestly I don't care "rich you can survive one class plus you have study hall I'll give them to you at the end of the day mkay" Eddie says with a straight face "ugh fine Ed's" I say walking away to study hall he was right about me having study hall but I know bill and Stan would ask where they were.

Finally last class end and I can get my glasses back from Eddie. I run out my classroom and down the hallway and outside the school doors I wait outside with my bike and watch for Eddie. I wait and see him coming out the doors with Bev and Ben. I see Eddie waking towards me still wearing my glasses he kinda looks cute in them. "Hey rich" Eddie says getting his bike out the rack "can I get my glasses or what" i said holding my hand out like last time. "Yeah one second let's go to the quarry first i gotta tell you something" Eddie says hoping on his bike and Peddling to the quarry "ugh Ed's" I say annoyed at him basically teasing me at this point. We finally arrive and Eddie's get off his bike and stand there takes off mt glasses and cleans them finally handing me them back "thank you geez" I say putting them on my face getting my clear vision back. I look at Eddie and see him blushing and for some reason the sky was pretty behind him like I could just kiss him right kno- I was cut off my thoughts when SOMEONE KISSED ME it was EDDIE this honestly was so much like the dream but better his lips were like softer then in the dream I pull him closer and keep kissing him softly. Eddie was the first to pull away because of his asthma "I wanted to tell you that ummm I like you like not as a friend more then a friend" Eddie says putting his head down "I like you too Ed's" I say then I pick him up and spin him around "RICH IM GETTING DIZZY BUT ME DOWN" Eddie yells but also laugh at the same time "okay okay but one more thing" I say then I kiss him all over his face and neck "well edwardo I gotta head home gotta take care of my sis byeee Ed's" I say getting on my bike and riding away "bye chee and don't call me that" Eddie yells at me. I ride home feeling the Greatest I've ever felt in awhile I honestly can't wait to be able to kiss and cuddle and do all those sappy couple shit with Ed's even though he hates germs he still kisses me so I'll take that as a win in my book.

Hii everyone this took so long so hope you enjoy-Finn (978) words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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