Hot, Hot, Hot!!

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A/N: Hi! It's me; Sara. I wanted to note that since Suli culture is based off of much of Indian culture, I have lots of experience with that kind of stuff since I'm Guyanese lol.
Anyway, I'm done rambling, enjoy!!

Wylan hopped up and down, fanning his tongue. His face was turning red, almost to the point where his freckles were barely visible.

Meanwhile, Jesper's face contorted, holding in his laughter. His hands were clasped together over his face. "Wy-Wylan, are you okay, merchling..?"


His boyfriend snorted, "ARE YOU CRYING!?"


Inej stifled giggles here and there, but continued eating the apparently "Too Spicy" curry she'd made. Mainly, she was looking at Kaz. The boy had tried to keep his composure, but Inej could tell he was cracking. Saints, she thought He's turning red.

Matthias stared at the pot of curried goat, fear blazing in his eyes. Yeah, there was no way he was eating that.

The Van-Eck mansion was so...lively now. Ever since Wylan, Jesper, and Inej had moved in, not one day went by without ear busting laughing. And every time the rest of their team...their family, had come to spend time, pure chaos spread throughout the household.

That is what made this mansion a home.

It felt as if a fire was burning in the back of his throat. Wylan buried his face into Jesper's shirt, grasping bits of it in fists. When he'd looked up to his nearly out of breath boyfriend, the dark, wet spots that now adorned Jesper's shirt were now clearly visible.

Jesper was struggling to not laugh at what was going down right in front of him, "Wylan...Wy, have you had any water?? Any...anything??"

Wylan frantically shook his head.

"Then drink something! Remember hun—"

"I'm cuter when I'm smart?" The now sweating boy queried.

"Preeecisely." Jes ruffled his boyfriend's sunset coloured hair. "I think you should go drink something."

Wylan rolled his teary eyes. And sarcastically commented,"Really? I didn't think so."
He'd filled his cup to the brim. He didn't even bother to turn off the tap before downing the entire cup. Small splatters appeared on the floor from the water that leaked from the side's of the small boy's mouth while his head was tilted backwards.

"Now, I would kiss you, but I don't want the pepper in my mouth too."

Wylan felt his cheeks heat up. OH FOR SAINT'S SAKE, WY. YOU'RE BLUSHING AT THAT?! He scolded himself in his mind.

A smirk pointed at the lanky sharpshooter's lips. He'd always taken pride in making his 'merchling' blush like that. He loved watching his pale skin turn pink. Wylan always found it embarrassing when he'd started to flush after Jesper had made some flirty comment or innuendo in public.

Even Kaz flashed a smile sometimes. Now THAT was an accomplishment.

"Jes," Inej called, "want some roti and curry?"

"I'll pass."

Inej smirked, and elbowed Nina's shoulder to get her attention. "You sure? It's your favorite! Curry goat."

Jesper's eyes widened, and he slowly turned to stare at the pot of boiling hot curry. The spices sweetly stinging his nose. "You. Wouldn't." He muttered.

Inej propped herself onto the counter of the island they were all eating at. "I would. And I did." The tiny girl smirked mischievously.

A quiet laugh filled the spicy smelling air.


Wylan giggled. He stood behind his boyfriend's stool and loosely threw his arms around his neck, resting on his shoulders. "Kaz is developing humour! Don'cha think, babe?"

"Oh yes he is, Wylan Van-Sunshine. Yes he is." The taller boy leaned his head back to leave a gentle peck on his boy's lips.

Matthias shook his head and smiled at the ground. "Very slowly— brick by brick."

Nina boldly stood up, slamming her hands onto the countertop. "BREKKER BY BREKKER!"

Kaz sighed and shook his head. The dark, some may say— emo —boy proceeded to eat his food, forgetting about the spice. As soon as he swallowed, it was followed by:

"Mm- I.. Ahem..."

"Ok there, Kazzy-Poo?"

"I'm going to slit your neck, Jesper Fahey."

Jesper rolled his steel coloured eyes, looking back up at Wylan.

"No he won't." The pale, freckled male softly whispered. Never did he think he would make Jesper flush.
"Maybe you'd like me to whisper something...
spicier, Jes..?"

The latter hid his flushing face in his palms.

A/N part two electric boogaloo:
I hope you guys enjoyed that!!! I may do a full storyline fic with these too. I mean I really want to. And I now kinda wanna use Bombs and Bullets as the name for that. Welp— time will tell ig!
Thanks for reading, have a good night, day, or afternoon!
~Sara :)

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