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Hello everyone!! I think it's needed to leave an authors note to explain where I've been, and how this one shot book will continue.

No, I'm not leaving it unfinished. If anyone thought I'd leave this unfinished, you're wrong.
I haven't worked on this in a veeeeery long time and I think its time I give some explanation and reassurance, haha.
I've been busy studying for college entrance exams (I'm under 16), so that has been taking up a lot of my time. But I finished the exams last week, so I'll be able to have more free time! I've also been working on other personal projects, and working on my mental health, as it wasn't the best for a while.

BUT, I'm happy to say I'm all good, and I will be trying to update and work on this more often.

Have a wonderful day/night, and ill see you in the next chapter.


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