What's One More?

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Another chaaapterr! Enjoy! (Feel free to leave comments, it means a lot) <3

It was cold. Ketterdam usually was cold at night. But usually...it was a stinging cold. Tonight was a gentle cold. Maybe that was because Wylan was warmer in Jesper's arms.

The two males walked down an overwhelmingly calm street. Well, they were trying to walk down the street. Jesper was holding his boyfriend from behind. Attempting to make their way forward, the freckled boy stumbled, getting the taller male's feet tangled in his own.

"Let me goooo!" Wylan grumbled, muffled by the sleeves of his boyfriend.


Wow. His boyfriend. It was so amazing to be able to say that Jesper Fahey was his. I'm so lucky.. the boy thought.

His thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched noise coming from somewhere around them.
Then, silence.

Of course, Jesper had to break the silence, "...What was that..?" He'd asked, looking around. The sharpshooter had seemingly bounced when he realized what the noise was coming from. He sprinted away from his very confused boyfriend, stopping hunched over some boxes. This can't be good.

Wylan had slowly strolled his way over to the boxes. He was afraid of what he'd see. But in short, he was pleasantly surprised. Inside the box was a kitten.

The cat was so cute. It's eyes were a beautiful ocean blue. They shimmered like little rings of light, even within Ketterdam's darkness. And it's fur? Adorable ginger splotches and black blots.

Jesper looked around.
Benches...lampposts...dead bushes...trash.
Everything but another human. Everything but another cat.
He'd looked back down at his boyfriend, who was already sitting crisscrossed scratching the kitten under it's chin. The small boy had turned his head up to look at Jesper, who didn't even realize he was staring. Man, his eyes were like staring up at the sky on a sunny day. And they were so shimmery and expressive...like diamonds. Diamonds. He wanted to see a diamond ring on that boy's hand. He wanted—

"JES!" Wylan brushed some curls out of his face before continuing, "I assume you didn't hear a word I said, so I'll repeat them; did you find it's mum? An owner maybe?"

The taller male sighed. He was pretending to be disappointed, but he really wasn't. "No. No owner, no mum," pondering, he paused. "Can we keep it?" He mumbled.


"Can we keep the kitten..?" Both the kitten and his boyfriend were staring up at him. The wind pounded on his cheek, it had blown a tight curl down in front of his eyes. Sure, there were a lot of expensive things in the Van-Eck mansion...maybe a few vases would be broken, a few ripped paintings, but neither of those things were that special...right?

Wy inhaled a sharp breath. He considered it for a few seconds. Mulled over every decoration that would be broken...but eventually he'd come to a conclusion.
"...I suppose we could keep it for a while..what's one more?"

His boyfriend hopped up and down. "YES, YES! THANK YOU WY, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!" He'd pulled the wide-eyed boy up and pressed their lips together.

Wylan felt his face heating up. He hated how often that happened. Each time Jesper had kissed him, grazed his lips somewhere, made some flirty joke or innuendo, even just barely touching him, Wylan always broke into a blushing fit. "Can we go home?" He asked, pulling away. The kitten nuzzled it's face against his chest. "Yes, baby, I know it's cold.."

"Of course we can, sunshine."

>>Time Skip<<

"Here, give it the water, Jes," Wylan had filled a small bowl with water, and gently handed it to his boyfriend.


The freckled boy cut him off, "Why aren't we giving it milk? Because most cats are actually lactose intolerant. They can only drink the milk from their mums. And...because we couldn't find it's mum, no milk for the baby." He smiled. He loved explaining things to his boyfriend.

The taller male lightly placed a kiss on the smaller's cheek, making him flush furiously. Like a ripe tomato.

This place used to be so depressing. So full of bad memories, it was barely a home. But now, with Jesper radiating his restlessness and everlasting smiles onto the house, it was like joy bounced off of the walls.

Speaking of things bouncing off the walls, the kitten was running around the house.

"Wow, he's desperate to explore," Jes turned to the owner of this home. "Reminds me of someone." He observed.

"Of course he does— wait... he?" Wylan shifted his head to one side, "How do you know the gender?" He queried. The sunset haired boy found a branch in his hair. He fiddled with it for a bit before noticing his boyfriend's shimmery eyes scanning over him.

The tall, lanky sharpshooter admired the small boy in silence, the way his curls sat barely over his eyes, the way his freckles seemed to multiply in sunlight.

But, of course, all these thoughts that made him want to shower the boy in kisses were cut off by none other than that kitten.

"It looks like someone wants my attention!" Jesper turned a keen eye to Wylan.

"What? What is it?"

"You've got competition, sunshine." He smirked, knowing it would send his boyfriend into a rabbit hole of blushing and hiding his face in his own palms. Jesper's head perked up with an idea:

"Y'know what?" He turned to the reddish-haired male.

The latter widened his eyes, letting the other know that he wanted an answer.

"I think I know what name this kitten, darling?"

Wylan sighed, plopping himself into a chair, right behind his lover, exasperated. "What? It's going to be something dumb, I just—"

"I think I'll name you merchling."

Wylan and the kitten made surprised noises at the very same time.

Jesper shot up from where he was sitting, bringing the kitten with him. "SEE! One and the same, right merchling?" He raised the striking-eyed kitten up to his face. "Yes you areeee.." Jes was using his baby voice. Saints, it was odd but cute. The cat purred as the tall boy scratched under his neck.

"Well," The pale kid slumped into his chair, "I guess one more addition to the team wouldn't hurt for a while, right?"

The other boy seemed to jump on his toes. He showered the boy on the chair in kisses and muffled "I love you"s

Everything felt perfect at this moment.
The world fell away, except for their little universe.
Their little universe.

It's me, again, I'll keep it short.
Do you guys want a part two to this?

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