Chapter 9

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If you didn't have night vision, you would have thought that this was just a creepy cave. That there were probably monsters deep within, and wouldn't dare step a foot in this place. As if it were something out of a creepypasta that you read online right before you went to sleep. But to us special ones, you would know that the pit wasn't just a hole in the ground. Only to some, this was their spot to be free of the rules that the king has put on the vampire race. The rules that have protected their existence, and the humans. When I got to the bottom of the pit, Zaine came down soon after.



"Aya come on I understand what you're mad but-"

"I said sh!" I walked straight towards the tunnel where you could hear the music booming. As I got closer to the real entrance, a wave of odors hit me. Blood.

"That's making me hungry." Zaine's voice changed as he walked past me. It sounded deeper and more fierce.

"Hey! Wait up!" I jogged up to him. We finally made it to the real party, and I instantly rejected my decision as I looked at the scene that unfolded before my eyes. Vampires, and human slaves, or volunteers. Girls dancing half naked. It was sickening to see.

"Put on your ribbon before someone sees you." Zaine whispered in my ear. I got the red ribbon out of my pocket and wrapped it around my neck.

"Zaine, what do you usually do when you're down here?" I asked.

"That's none of your business." He spoke before walking away from me and went to the crowd of people dancing. I suddenly felt defenseless. I went through the crowd looking for a familiar face, not that I would hang with anyone who was apart of this kind of scene. No one looked like they lived in this area. As I looked for Kris and his friends, someone grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Hello there pretty lady." A guy, probably in his early mid 20's got all up and personal to me face.

"L-Let go of me." I stuttered.

"Oh, it looks like you already have a master." He tugged on the ribbon around my neck.

"Broad, dude, what's up?" Kris came up from behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Just eyeing your arm candy." He grinned.

"Sorry dude, ain't sharin tonight." Kris grinned before leading me away through the crowd till we found a couch that didn't have a guy feeding on some human slave.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Ya, I'm fine. I was just lost." I muttered. There was no way I was admitting that I was a bit scared to be here to him.

"You're shaking, look I was just kidding about the prude thing. If you want to go home, you can." He put his hand on my shoulder. So now you want to be the nice guy. At least he seemed to be acting more nicely than Zaine. Right then, I heard Zaine's laughter in the next room. I got up and walked to the curtains.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you. You might see something you won't want to see," Kris said. I ignored him and opened the curtains. In the middle of a circular couch, was Zaine, surrounded by half naked humans. He had his mouth around the neck of one of them with blood dripping down his chine to the floor. The girls all had blue ribbons tied around their necks. Seemed like he was their master. Anger swelled inside of me. How the hell could he do this to me! I wanted to cry and yell at the same time. I felt this pain in my chest just as he looked up and saw me. Instantly, his smile vanished.

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