Chapter 6

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"You're leaving? When?" We were all sitting down at the dinner table. Dad had the chef prepare some warm raw chicken soaked in fresh blood.

"We leave on Friday, and we are trying to see who to send you off too." Dad spoke.

"Send me off too? Can I not stay here on my own?"

"No you may not. After your recent attack, we think it is best for you to be looked after while we are away." Other dad chimed in.

"Well can't you ask then to come to the castle and watch me?"

"We were thinking that also."

"Why don't you ask Aunt Miko to watch me?"

"We asked her, but her and Aya are going out of town also. We were thinking of Tora and Snow, but we weren't sure if you would like that or not." strict Dad smirked.

"Why wouldn't I like that?"

"Because Ren would be staying here also." Other Dad smiled. I swear he "Ships" us together so hard.

"Oh, no that's fine." I took a bite out of the chicken. Dad looked confused.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yup" I finished my plate. "May I be excused?"

"You may" Dad said still sounding confused. I wen up to my room and closed my door, then leaned my back against it. Ren is going to be staying over. My stomach felt like it was doing front flips. Ever since Ren told me that I was is mate, I have been feeling weird around him, like almost drawn to him. I mean ya I know that since I'm his mate, he's mine, but is the connection really this strong? I sighed and laid on my bed. Just then, my phone buzzed. Tobi had texted me.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing, just finished dinner."

"Ah, I see. You wanna hang out after school tomorrow?"

"Sure, who else is going?"

"Um, I was thinking just us....." He texted back. Ughs. Now I definitely know I don't like her. Nothing against her, but she doesn't seem like she's my 'mate' or anything close.

"Lol why just us?"

" could be like a date you know?" She texted again. Why do people have to be so straight forward? I mean she could have totally said just to hang and talk or something. I don't even know how to respond without hurting her feelings.Just then, Ren texted me.

"Sup kitten." I hated when he called me that. It makes me sound soft, cute, and not like a prince of darkness.

"Don't call me that pup."

"Alright alright, is it cool if I came over tomorrow? We could get some practice in." He texted back. That doesn't sound like a bad idea, but I can't just deny Tobi, I mean, that isn't princely.

"Well I just agreed to go hang with Tobi after school. She wants it to be a date."

"Um no lol" He texted back. That made me smirk.

"Why no? Jealous?"


"Well you  could just 'show up' and hang too."

"i like that idea. I don't like the idea of you being alone with anyone else but me." That made me blush.

"Well that will be hard for you because I like being alone."

"Well, whenever you're lonely, I could always keep you company." He texted back. This made my stomach do front flips, and then my ears and tail appeared again like the first time. It seems like every time I'm exposed to his stupid charm, it effects me more and more. What is he doing to me?

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