Bad news, worse news

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It was all over the news about the angel that Sergeant Barnes had saved. After the world found out who Cassiel really was and that she was in fact a confirmed mutant. The prevailing question circulating was, would she now join her father's X-Men or possibly the Avengers? The answer was simple. Neither. The second she was able to get Dr Thompson's all clear Cassiel was moving back to her apartment and getting right back to her life. Teaching kids to dance was everything to her and while she had had a moment of massive self pity, Cass wasn't going to let her passion die.

Since the day after her surgery she'd been in contact with Elizabetta to let her and the other board members of the school know that she was okay and that for the next week or two they would need to cover her classes. And with her needing to rest, it was agreed that her friend would be coming by later today so that they could talk about the school and the influx of calls to the school. From both the parents of her students and the media about wanting to interview the teachers as well as trying to get them into contact with her. Unable to focus on any of that, Cassiel was busy trying to hammer out a more semi-permanent class rotation so that the other teachers' classes weren't neglected in her temporary absence.

Humming to herself as she tapped at her chin with a finger, she scrolled through the program they used to make up the class schedules with the other on her laptop. Cassiel was tempted to call a few of her NY Ballet Company friends and see if they'd be willing to guest host a few classes for her. They'd done it in the past as a way to give back to the community and as good press for the company. Shaking her head she let's out a sigh as her shoulders slump. They were in the midst of getting ready for the winter season so it might be a no go. The time and effort that went into a new season was hectic all on its own let alone trying to split that into helping her.

Dejectedly sitting back Cassiel slowly pets Loki who is currently lazily dozing curled up in her lap between his ears. His deep purr was a soothing sound that she gradually felt in her chest that marginally relaxed her the longer they sat there. It was said that the different frequencies that cats purr could help promote healing. And since she was already spending all of her time resting in her temporary room she'd been cuddled up with either Loki or Alpine to soak up every bit of that healing help. There was nothing else to do anyway. At least not until tomorrow when she'd begin her physical therapy which she was more than looking forward to.

To be fair, it wasn't like she couldn't leave her rooms. It was just strange being somewhere new when her own home was so close. Here she was living with strangers. Granted, extremely famous strangers and for some reason they were all over the moon to have her here. Lia and Steve she could understand since she knew sort of knew them best and all. But the others? Literal gods and heroes came to visit her everyday to check in on her progress and to see if they could do anything for her.

That was one of the main things she couldn't wrap her head around. Maybe it was her father's reputation, who knew. But all Cass could do was smile and make polite conversation while they fawned over her right now. Though to be fair they were all very nice, setting her at ease the longer she got to know them. Still, it was Aurelia or Lia as she prefers, who spent the most time popping by with her adorable little girl. Bringing her treats along with the thrilling details of their recent trip to Asgard keeping her mind off of the uncertainty of how well her recovery was going.

Then there was Sergeant Barnes. The man who had saved her life. He came every day and stayed for hours. If she wasn't tired that is. They talked about everything and nothing depending on her mood. However, for all of the talking they did she still didn't really know much about the man other than what she had ended up googling about him late at night. Bucky was very tight lipped when it came to sharing anything about his personal life. Cassiel could understand that. Seriously though. When you've had a life like his, she wouldn't be chomping at the bit to talk to a random stranger about herself about her trauma. Even if he had saved her life it didn't mean he owed her his life story. Of course he didn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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