Penitentiary Plan

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"We did it! I knew the warden would backstab me after I gave him what he wanted. We're all set. By the way, the name's Rob."

"I'm Black and I apologize if you can't see me clearly with the bruises and all. But Rob, how exactly is being in the SHU part of your plan?"

"Down to business then. Okay so, I stalled the warden with enough time to swipe a pair of keys that belonged to the SHU vicinity."

"Have you considered the fact that there are guards on the lookout? I mean, that's just too great of a risk."

"Maybe to you it is. But I don't plan on going insane in here. Are you in or not?"

"What'd I get thrown in here for then?"

"I'd advise you drop that attitude of yours or I'll drop the plan altogether."

"Sorry, alright? Just got a lot of things on my mind right now."

"What indispensable information. Glad that we have an understanding. Okay, we will wait about a week or so to hoard in the necessary supplies for our escape. Once a week passes, we wait until night blankets the area, hopefully, no one sees us because of our skin color, and we unlock this door. We get through the ducts and unlock any doors that we need to go through, or if we need to stop and grab additional supplies. If we see a guard, we take 'em out with those supplies and drag 'em into nearby closets. Simple enough?"

-Here ye, here ye! If you are colored and reading this narrative, hopefully in order, be warned that your attention span may not be able to sustain such distinguished vocabulary. Additionally, cease this easily offendedness! Take "precautions" (sunscreen) when necessary and be diligent.

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