Chapter One

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𝖩𝖺𝗇𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝖯𝖮𝖵

I woke up around 5am and went into the bathroom, I yawned and cupped my hands over my mouth smelling my horrible morning breath. My body shudders as I begin to stretch while releasing the unneeded fluid from my body, I wipe myself before getting up and flushing the toilet. I wash my hands then washed my face and brush my teeth, once done I walk down the hall and opened Xora door that was opened 3 inches. Seeing his small body moving up and down slightly signifying he was still sleeping I walk into the kitchen and turn on the light, I begin to take out the things I need for a small breakfast. I grabbed a plate and some bread putting it in the toaster, grabbing a cup I put a bit of orange juice in it before turning to the sink and turning the knob.... nothing. ‘Is it broken?' I raised an eyebrow before walking back into my bathroom and try to turn the sink on... nothing.
It literally was just working, what's wrong with it.’
Grabbing my phone I check the date and let out a loud annoyed sigh, my water bill was due yesterday.  'so the bit of water I used was probably just some water left in the pipes.'
Sighing I walk down into Xora's room and turned on the lights, getting on my knees I kiss his forehead and gently shake him awake. “Wake up nugget, it's time to get dressed for school.” In response he began to grumble and start crying, I laugh quietly before picking him up letting him rest his head on my shoulder while I walk back into the kitchen and sit him down at the table. He wasn't fully awake but that was fine, I grab a water bottle from the pack that was on the floor by the snack closet and poured a bit into the orange juice and handed it too him. He had woken up a bit more but not fully so he just stared at the cup, I placed his toast in front of him before grabbing some grape jelly and began to smear it on the toast. The faint smell of sweet grapes made him look up at me and he began yawn loudly.

“Xora, sweetie mommy needs you to eat so you can get ready for school.” his response to that was a loud cry and I sighed placing a hand on my forehead “Xora, please don't cry. If you stop crying mommy will let you wear your spiderman shoes today.”
Xora looked at me with his big brown doe eyes still watery from crying, and then back at his plate and began eating. I grab a pot and another bottle of water and poured it inside heating it up on the stove so it'll be warm. Walking out of the kitchen and down the small hall I opened the towel closet and grabbed a face towel.
I pick up my phone checking the time, 6:30 am, time was moving by quickly. I went back into the kitchen and dipped the towel into the pot that was now filled with warm water before wringing it out, I went over to Xora and began to wipe sleep from his face while he try to move his head away. “hurry nugget, mommy got to be at work around 7:50.”
14 minutes later Xora was ready, hair braided, face greasy, school uniform freshly out the dryer and his spiderman shoes. I pulled on my job apron before picking Xora up and locking the door behind me I raced down to my car.

When inside I put my key in the engine and turned it... nothing. 'what the ABSOLUTE FUCK' I screamed angrily in my head, I glanced in the rearview mirror to see Xora falling asleep again. I sighed “please start , just for today please. ” I begged, and by a miracle my car started up. I smile and pull out the parking space and drove down to his school, his teacher was outside waiting for him like always. I gave her a kind smile before waking Xora up, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and then got out.
I was just about to leave when suddenly someone knocked on my window, I let it down and saw that it was the principal. “ can I help you today Mrs.Reily ?” I asked, I already knew it was going to be about Xora's ADHD. They been telling me about it every day since the beginning of this month, she gave me the 'you know why I'm here look and I sighed.
“Miss Hampton, I know we've spoken about this multiple times but please...Xora needs his medicine he's disrupting his fellow classmates.” she said with a tight lipped smile, I glance at the clock seeing 7:45 and look back at her
“ he's a child, he's going to behave like that...”

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