Chapter One

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Jinxx's pov:

This was day three of staying curled up in my bunk completely emotionless. Alice had cheated on me as we'll. I sighed then looked out to see jake in his bunk.

I thought maybe I should get out, maybe get over Alice, or try to at least...

"Jake?" I whispered.

I saw him look over at me. He looked like he was bored. So I decided to get out of my bunk and walked to the bathroom. I had started to strip down, turning on the shower. I stepped in once the water was where I enjoyed it.

Jakes pov:

I was surprised that jinxx got out of his bunk, he was demolished when he found out that Alice had cheated on him. God, girls are so rude. I got up and went to the kitchen area of the bus. I opened the fridge and groaned.

"CC!!! You took all the rockstars!" I complained

"So? I bought them!" Cc rolled his eyes and leaned on Ashley.

I rolled my eyes and took a fudge bar back to my bunk to eat it and watch netflix on my laptop.

Jinxx' pov:

I got out of the shower and dried off, I pulled on my boxers and an a7x sweater, along with shorts.

"Too lazy to put real clothes on...." I chuckled

I stepped out of the bathroom and walked to jake's bunk, sliding in next to him.

I've had a crush on jake for a really long time, but he always saw me as a brother or best friend. Maybe I could change that.

"Hey jakey" I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Hey Jeremy" he said not removing his eyes from his laptop.

I pouted a bit and closed his laptop, giggling a bit.

"Hey! Get out if you're going to be that way!" He exclaimed, kinda scaring me.

I whimpered and got out. Whispering "I'm sorry..."

Jakes pov:

I felt really guilty.. I have a bad temper, I can never control it. I most likely startled Jeremy... Great....

[sorry it's short]

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