Chapter Thirteen: The Incident

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"Call me when the party's over." Marge said as they pulled into Anna's driveway. The teenager's family home was very large, as Anna was living in the "richer" area of Mandeville. Her yard was neatly trimmed, and several lawn ornaments decorated their flowerbeds, alongside a decorative picket fence lining the walls of the home. In Victoria's eyes, it looked like a home one would see in a movie about a neighborhood of cultists. One where everything seemed picturesque and flawless but contained a dark secret. "Have a great time, okay?"

As Victoria unlocked the car door, her aunt said one more thing.

"Remember to smile, Vicky."

Victoria grunted a short reply, stumbling out of the car. She trudged up to the front door, pressing the doorbell with a little more force than necessary. The door flew open instantly, almost making Victoria stumble backwards in shock. Honestly, she probably would have if Anna hadn't immediately wrapped her arms around Victoria in a tight, nearly suffocating embrace.

"You made it! I'm so glad!" Anna squealed, pulling away to look at the shorter girl in the eye. Victoria glanced over her shoulder, seeing her aunt's headlights disappear over a nearby hill. She was now trapped.

"Yeah, I guess so." Victoria choked out a response, already dreading what was to come. Anna quickly hurried her inside, shutting and locking the door behind them. When Victoria asked why, she mumbled out some excuse about being cautious, as they had been having some break-ins in the neighborhood recently.

"Now, now!" Anna said, taking the brunette by the hand. "Come on, I want to show you something."

Before Victoria could ask any more questions, the taller girl started pulling her deeper into the large house. It was then that she noticed something odd. If this was a party, where was everyone else? Another question, why wasn't the house set up to look like a party? Did Anna just not set anything up?

"So uh," Victoria spoke up, drawing the other girl's attention. "Was I the first one to arrive, or?"

Anna glanced at her, but then turned back around, as if she hadn't heard Victoria's words.

"Anna-?" Victoria was about to ask another question but was abruptly stopped as the pair came to a halt. It was then that she noticed they were standing in front of a door. It looked like the door to a kitchen pantry, as it was rather slender and narrow. Anna quickly opened it, allowing the door to swing open with a loud creak. This revealed a long, wooden staircase, leading down into a dark, dank basement. The floor looked to be made of cement.

"You go first." Anna said with a grin, pulling Victoria in front of the door. In a flash, she grabbed Victoria's cell phone from her back pocket. As Victoria attempted to spin around and ask what the hell Anna was doing, she felt the girl give her a rough, firm shove. With a stumble and surprised cry, Victoria found herself tumbling down the wooden staircase into the depths below. A sharp pain shot through her as she felt herself take multiple blows to her arms and legs, courtesy of the stair's rough edges. As she hit the cement floor, Victoria couldn't even bring her dazed self to let out a pained groan. She tried to stand but was harshly pushed back down as someone's shoe stomped down on the girl's chest.

Victoria looked up at the attacker, only for her eyes to be met with an enraged Kyle Sullivan.    

Vicky Genocidal: In DepthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora