Chad's Untold Power and Chemo

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Chad P.O.V.

I look down at my belovedand smiled then lifted my hand up as if I were to hit her. I wouldnever purposely hit her. As I was about to hit her she braced forimpact. Then. In an instant a red shield forms around her with thedesign of my Guigante on the top, blocking my attack. Just as I hadplanned and just how this power is supposed to work. "You can openyour eyes mi amor" I said sweetly. When she opened her eyes shelooked at the shield around her. "You know damn well that I wouldnever hurt you"

"H-How" She asked inwonder.

I smiled and pointed toher bracelet. "As long as you wear the bracelet I gave you Jesus oranyone else like him for that matter will never hurt you" I said.

"How is this possiblethis is clearly the design of your Guigante and the Spiritualpressure I'm sensing from it is definitely yours but you have nopower like this" Maria said as she examined the shield. She turnsto look at me. "Did you create this all on your own" She asks.

I nodded my head. "Noteven Ichigo knows I have this power" I said. I explained to themabout how I can transfer a bit of my power into objects like jewelrythat will protect them when I'm not around.

"How is she supposed toget rid of it now" Maria asked.

"When the power feelsthat she is no longer in danger it will disappear on its own" Isaid. I placed my hand on the shield and as I leaned over I phasedthrough the shield and kissed her forehead. The shield disappeared asI kissed her. "This power will also activate when she feelsuncomfortable around him....So if he tries something it'll protectyou" I said as I looked at Angel.

She looks at me and smilesthen yawns. I smiled and tucked her into bed. Minutes later she fellfast asleep. Maria looked at her and smiled then turns to me. "Doyou think you could use some of this power on something for thegirls" She asked.

"Of course" I said.

"And......If Jesusmanages to kill me...........I want you to kill him If you don't thanhe will kill my girls I promise you You won't get in trouble with theSoul Society for killing fact............You'll bedoing them a favor" She explained.

"What do you mean" Iasked.

"I mean that Jesus wasthe one that killed Angel's birth parents just so that my parentscould raise her" She said. My eyes widened. She examined me. Myeyes in particular. "Your eyes just turned green" She said. Ishake my head trying to calm my anger.

"Sorry....I don't knowwhat's wrong with me" I said.

"Your anger takes on acompletely different life on its own.....Angel has seen this otherside of you before.....a long time ago.........But that's somethingshe will have to tell you The girls and I should get going Visitinghours are almost over" Maria said as she stood up then turned toleave. Leaving me alone with my sleeping beauty.

A couple hours later myshift was over for the night. I left the clinic after giving mysleeping beauty a kiss on her forehead. I rode home on my motorcyclebut I had this sudden urge to go by Maria's place to check up on herand the girls. When I arrived there I heard a gunshot. Worried I gotoff my cycle and rushed into the house. I looked in the masterbedroom and seen that Maria had been shot in the head, killedinstantly. I felt my anger welding up inside me. I rushed to thegirls' room to make sure they were alright. As soon as I got to thegirls' room I saw them huddled together hugging each other in fearand tears in their eyes as they stared at their crazy eyed father ashe pointed a gun to Alejandra's head. My right arm quickly formedinto Guigante and I ran in front of the girls just before he firedthe gun. Just then I heard Sairi scream. I looked behind me to seethat Alejandra was bleeding from her neck. How did the bullet miss myshield? I looked at Jesus now with glowing green eyes. "HAVE YOUGONE MAD JESUS YOU JUST KILLED YOUR OWN WIFE NOW YOU'RE TRYING TOKILL YOUR OWN CHILDREN WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" I calledout angerly.

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