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"Do you understand, dear or do I need to dumb it down" He asks.

"..." I say nothing looking at the ground trying my hardest to stall/piss him off.

"Huh!" He says, then stands up and kicks me to where I hit my head off the desk.

"Your, very impatient" I say trying not to pass out.

"Yeah, and you just make it worse" He shoots my foot clean off. I bang my head off the floor as pain shoots throughout my whole body.

"Fucking hell" I mumble to my self in pain.

"Hm~ Maybe I think we might go somewhere else" He says as I my vision blacks out

                                                                   -few hours later-

"hm" I groan as I waken from my sleep my hands stilled locked but by chains this time.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" It was so dark I couldn't see him but I could just feel his gaze on me.

"Fuck you"

"Hm~ I tried to but you couldn't understand" He said as he walks over to me snapping as the lights then turned on, I faze my gaze to the ground because of the bright lights.

"Sorry dear are they bright" He says while kneeling down with a black i think laced with gold small hand held knife.

"..." I refuse to speak as blood stars to drip down my face and over my eyes.

"Oh, your bleeding again dear" He say collecting some blood on his weapon then inspecting it.

"*cough* *cough*"  I start to cough up blood.

"you probably have a broken rib, though that would not have happened you you had just listened to me.

"Go to hell"

"Hah" He chuckles as he stands and kicks me back against a wall and jabs the knife into my stomach.

"I could kill you and barely even move, that is how pathetic you've become dear" He says as I just sit there doing nothing but crying from the pain.

"Then, again...you look so much more fuckable covered in blood" He whispers the last part in my ear as he then leaves the room and someone else comes in but before I could speak I black out again.

                                                        -A few moments later-

*opening my eyes I see I am in a different room and uncuffed plus alone, I look around making sure I was alone then decide to find a way out but as soon as I tried to stand I fell on my ass, wrapped in a blanket. Realizing I am only wearing a button down that was too big and my boxers.

"Oh dear, you can't sit still for even a minute can you?" He asks me as he walks into the room

"..." The blankets fall to the ground just as my eyes do the same.

"Dear, do you enjoy pissing me off" He says and I shook my head lightly, even though I wasn't speaking because I felt like I couldn't but at the same time I wanted to just scream at him.

"What are you a fucking retard or what...SPEAK! GODDAMMIT" He raises his voice causing me to flinch.

"..." He says nothing as he unexpectedly picks me up bridal style and sets me down on the bed handing me the blankets as I  try to cover myself with the shirt.

"Here" He says softly. I take hold of the blanket as I try to relax my heart rate.

*He sits down on the same side as me but on the edge of the bed, and he rests his forearms on his legs hanging his head*

"A-Are you alright" I say barely audible, as I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Yes." He says blankly then, I lean back against the head board and he rest his head on my lap and all the sudden I feel more safe then I have ever been.

(Good? Bad? Need to upload more?)

Please dont hesitate to comment or tell me like what to change or do  or if you just wanna talk go ahead i love talking  

Sorry ik its short                                                                   

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