Chapter 2

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I was lying in my bed when my dad walked in with a plate of fresh cut apples, "Here have these you haven't eat properly in 2 days" I took the plate and started eating, "Sweetie, Betty was here today morning too and you were sleeping so she went to school and told that she'll be here after class" "I don't wanna see anyone now dad" dad sat near me and said, "look Tina, we all are worried about Bella and you know that we're searching for her and we'll find her no matter what, but do you think she'll want you to be like this , you're miserable Sweetie please go to school and it'll help you, trust me" I wasn't ready to go to school yet like how am I gonna just go to school like normal when Bella is missing but the last person who Bella was with is someone I must go see, he must be behind all of this. I told the police all about her night out and aniversary and that I think that Rylan is behind all of this but what did they do? They just questioned Rylan and believed all his lies, he told them that he waited for her but she never came so he went back to his house, if I go to school then I'll be able to find something about Bella so I said, "Fine dad, I'll go from tommorow" Dad was so happy hearing those words coming out of my mouth.


I walked to school with my best friend Betty, she was really concerned about me and wanted to see me and talk to me so bad but I just didn't want to see anyone then but now that I talked to her I feel kinda okay, I feel a little bit better but when I walked down the corridor everyone was staring at me and the people who I don't even talk to came to talk to me with sympathy in their eyes and words. I hated it, they were all acting like she was dead or something and asking if I was okay, I just said I was fine and walked away to the locker and through the crowd I saw a face staring at me with fear? or sadness? or guilt?? I don't know what that was but I know that eyes, the same eyes that Bella must've seen for the last time, yes it was Rylan. As soon as I saw him he just walked away like he was running off from me, I followed him but he rushed through the crowds and disappeared. During the break time I searched for him everywhere and went to places he usually went to but nope he was no where to be found why he is hiding from me, what did he do to her? where is she? Why did he lie to the police and why the hell is he hiding from me? This can only mean one thing, that he knows about Bella, maybe he knows what happened to her or maybe he has her, but how am I supposed to get to know the answers, while I was thinking about him I saw Archer sitting be clear Archer Rutherford, Rylan's one and only little brother, he is just 1 year younger than Rylan just like me and Bella. Even though his brother and my sister were dating we never actually even talked to each other, I once waved at him but he just ignored me so I didn't try to talk to him after that and he didn't either, he is like that to most people other then his close circle of few, but he's still a popular guy like his brother even though he just sits in a corner and play guitar all day and he's rude and never smiles, he only talks to his bestfriend Eddie and his brother, but he must know something about Bella's missing, Rylan is his brother afterall and I've even heard bella say that Rylan says everything to Archer, well I guess it's time to make a new grumpy friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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