prank or not ?

145 9 2

no one pov

"hello, 911 what's your emergency ?" the raventte with split white bangs said through the microphone which was placed over her head. her fingers continued to dance over the keyboard in a fast motion.

"H-HELLO ! s-some one is trying to break into my house. P-please send help-" the caller from the other side creid out in a shakey high pitched tone.

but it did'nt effect ryujin.

she was trained like this. no matter how worse of a situation she faces. how horrible screams she hears, or how much of a sick psychotic conversation she has to make with the killers. she should remain calm and not let the situation effect her emotions or mental health.

so she remained straight face as her fingers never stoped typing over the keyboard "ma'am i want you to tell me your location so that i can send you help." ryujin said calmly despite the rough sounds coming from the other side.

"P-p-please.." "ma'am?" ryujin asked confusedly as the callers voice was coming inaudible and unclear, there might be some network issue.

"OH MY GOD! THEY ARE KNOCKING ON MY DOOR. PLEASE SEND HELP- I'M HOME ALONE" the women litreally sreamed in a high pitch voice. rush moments and rough noises kept coming from the other side.

"ma'am please tell me your address or how can i send help-"

"p-please help-"

ryujin signed internally and started finding for the women's location with her caller number.

"ma'am listen to me. please hide somewhere the person can't find you. dont choose the closet, it would be easy. so i offer you to get a room or bathroom and lock it. can you do this for me?" ryujin said as she tried to find for the caller's location.

"yes i d-did as you t-told me to. I'm inside the bathroom right now." the women said with a shakey voice as if she was on the verge of crying.

"good ma'am. now please calm down and tell me your name" ryujin said when she successfully finds her location,she immediately sends it to the cops.


ryujin took the telephone and dialed the cop's number "I've sent a location. someone is trying to break into the caller's house. please send the cops asap." she informed but did'nt decline the call because she needs the update until the caller is safe and secured by the cops.

"ok ma'am. please stay calm and take deep breaths. the cops are on their way" she said as she types and saves the caller's name on their records.

then ryujin hears a loud bang sound coming from the other side "what happend ?" she asked with a frown.

"their comingㅡ oh my god! their inside. please hurry!" yori said with a hushed tone but the panic and fear were visible in her voice.

"just like i said the cops are on their way."


ryujin heard screams coming from the other side and a audible voice of a man.


but the women didn't listen as she was screaming at the man to stay away from her. "caller is in danger, please hurry!" ryujin informed the cops.

"we're almost there" the cops responded.

ryujin kept hearing horrible, painfull screaming sounds of the women coming from the other side and a loud crashing sounds along with a audible voice of a man can be heard.

she kept calling the caller to know what was happening, but it was of no use.

moments later, she heard the cops arrived and they surprisingly rescued the women but she still got minor injuries.

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