Python on the Hunt Part II

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It was sunset and Nagisa with his outfit on is slinging the strap attached to the sheath on the back of his neck. He chuckled at the thought when earlier, he saw the news on his t.v "Midnight Madness! Unknown criminal murders student for the 5th time this month!"

The chubby man was alone in front of the school, the sun was setting and he was watching his friends walk away." Hope you survive!" One said." Be careful! The midnight murderer might getcha!" Another sneered.
"U-uh yeah! " the chubby man replied." See you guys tomorrow!"." We'll see about that" the third one said. Soon the three friends were all out sight and went inside the school doors.
Nagisa knew this was his signal and then started for the back doors of the school.

10:00 pm:
The chubby man was walking through the school halls anxiously and carrying a mere flashlight and a digital camera recording the footage into the eternal darkness of the school's hallways." Ha,ha this isn't that bad! I bet the midnight murderer is scared of me! Yeah! He IS scared of me" he exclaimed trying to comfort himself.
"Hmm... We'll see about that" Nagisa said to himself.

11:30 pm:
"Ok... No sign of the midnight murderer yet." The chubby man said to himself " only a couple hours till morning and I will be able to get out of this place.". He then heard a light tapping sound from the science classroom door. At first he paid no mind to it but then as he walked past the tapping got louder and louder and it was not just because he was getting closer. The tapping sounds gradually turned into pounding and by the window leading to the classroom, laid a dead frog (the ones you normally use for dissection and science experiments) mutilated with it's guts and stomach hanging out of its body and one eye was missing.
The chubby man shivered.

11:50 pm:
The man was walking towards the basement of the school (because it's such a good idea to go down a school basement when there is a murderer on the loose) and saw the words 'help' written on the wall with an arrow pointed to the basement, painted with fresh blood.
The chubby man decided he would follow it (cause logic!) and went towards the basement with his hands shaking.
11:57 pm:
He had finally reached the basement it looked really weird, with all the equipment,supplies and brooms made him feel uneasy." Well it guess I'll go back upstai-"
Everything suddenly went black.

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