I Hate My Feelings

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{[ School Announcement ]}

" There has been another murder last night at our school. The only evidence we have is some footage from a digital camera, it shows that the killer has a red outfit and two blue pigtails on the sides of his/her head, dark blue eyes and light skin. If you notice any suspicious behavior from any of your classmates please send them down to the office so we can further inspect."

As the next day comes to a new start, school starts just normally as if nothing had happened. As Nagisa opened the door to his classroom he had gotten even more stares from his classmates than before. Even Koro-sensei was staring at him.

He walked to his desk and sat down as usual but, the stares did not cease to an end yet. Nagisa had felt completely crushed under all of those stares." Those stares, their stares." Nagisa thought to himself." Well now they know, they know the real me now. I guess I'm just a cold, heartless and unfeeling assassin after all."
The bell rang and all the classes had started and Nagisa sat there thinking of all the things he had done." It's not my fault." He thought to himself." It's not my fault I was raised this way, it's not my fault I was born."

Lunch had now started so Nagisa took his lunchbox to the cliff again, but now sitting closer to the edge. Nagisa grimly looked down, clutching his sheathed knife to his chest as he did so. He had gotten this knife from his dead father whom had only died because of a disease not unlike his mother.

" Dammit Nagisa look what you have got yourself into." He said to himself out loud, he knew it was all over. Like, who else would have blue pigtails and a matching pair of blue eyes? Him of course. Everybody would look to him." Nagisa the Midnight Murderer."

Nagisa looked down the cliff getting suicidal thoughts again. Dammit he needed to die, right here and now. No one needed him, nobody would even care if he died here anyway. He is just one person out of an entire population of people that's going to be destroyed by Koro-sensei in a couple of months.
" Nagisa-kun..." Koro-sensei said with a low but somehow angry tone of voice." Nagisa-kun you are my student and as long as the agreement goes and to my beliefs, I'm not going to let you die before I destroy the earth."

" hm?" Nagisa said, confused from the last statement that Koro-sensei had just said "why?"
" well..." Koro-sensei stammered. " I c-care for you."
~End Of Flashback~

Nagisa started to cry again." Why am I crying over an octopus hats going to destroy the earth?" Nagisa said as he kept on crying." This is stupid, this world is stupid and I am stupid."

" dammit I hate my feelings."

Nagisa the pro assassinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora