(Can't get the door open.)

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Chapter six:

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Chapter six:

What I'm feeling isn't like me at all. But I don't care. Tonight, I'm going to be irresponsible and carefree. It's my reward, stocking up on fun before I spend the next several months focusing on my nursing clear.

The people exit the elevator five floors below ours. As soon as they're gone, Travis nuzzles my neck.

"You smell so good."

His breath tickles, and I place a hand on his cheek. "So do you." And in the small confines of elevator, his scent seems to intensity my senses are saturated with pine and male. Why isn't the car moving any faster?

The elevator doors finally open with a ding. We rush out, laughing breathlessly like a couple of horny teenagers. He stops in front of a door and sticks his card key in. The lights blink red. I drum my fingers against the wall. The hotel needs to upgrade it's card reader. Doesn't their manager know their guests is money?

He tries again. But the door remains locked.

"Shit. Why isn't this working?" Travis mutters.

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