tf outta here

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Crystals POV:

OK so like rude much I'm pregnant and theses hoes walk all up in my house but I keep quiet cuase they are vampires and smell really powerfull

Lucien mind links me "baby we are on our way back are u ok"..." no two vampires are here for u "..." shit OK I'll be there"
And with that she ended the link

Not even 3min later lucifer storms into the house growling at the vampires. I try and calm her but fire holds me tight in her arms whispering sweet nothings in my ear

"why the he'll are u here"lucifer growls out but the two vampires don't get they just smile and walk scared up to her

"awe do u not miss me what about the fun we had" the eldest looking vamp says any who lucifers growls even louder . The vampire who name I remember is nima laughs and pats lucifers cheek

I see that she's getting angrier the second so I try to help but fire keeps a firm hold on me

The vampires bare there fangs and lucifers extends her claws and canines

Ooooooooo it's about to be a fight he he he he he well I can't be gone for long then not give u a cliff hanger any who sorry school has me busy then this week isn't good so I'm in my bed watching telly and eating chocolate

Lucifer is my mate gxgKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat