treaty or no

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crystal's pov :

we sat tense till lucy got home well at least i did.

as soon as i heard the door unlock i bolted to the door and jumped into her arms making her stumble and chuckle at the same time. '' missed me '' she asks while kissing my forehead  but i didn't respond instead i whined and shoved my head in the crook of her neck.

she carried me to the living room and sat down with me still in her arms . she leaned over and gave fire a kiss but as soon as they broke away her eyes settled on the pictures and note that laid scattered on the coffee table from earlier making her eyes go automatically red.

'' where did this come from'' she huffs out while gripping my waist tightly. fire shrugs making lucy let out a huff and push me off her and walk out the door letting it slam behind her 


lucy's pov:

i knew who sent those pictures i'm not stupid but clearly she is because she thought it was ok to creep and then send them to my mates. 

i got in my car and drove to the edge  of the forest the then got out and shifted into my demon were and sprinted to her boarder to no surprise she sat there standing but what did make me stop and growl baring my fangs back at her was the fact that she had my sister clinging to her side.

i quickly shifted glad that i shift back with clothes on. '' stella come here now '' i seethe 

stella looks between us both before she shifts to where she's behind crimson making me growl in the back of my throat but i stopped and sighed when i heard her whisper '' she's my mate'' 

crimson pulls her to where she is in front of her and leans down and whispers something that i can't understand mostly because it was in spanish and unlike stella i didn't want to learn. stella blushes and turns her head and looks at which makes crimson kiss her neck and stella moan loud and me growl

''mate or not i'd like it if you would refrain from doing that in front of me '' i huff while crossing my arm but all it does is make crimson's smirk even wider. '' sure thing sis'' she says emphasizing the word sis 

'' please don't ya'll get along i love you both and i would really not have to choose between my mate and my sister. can't yall sign a treaty please for me '' stella says out the blue shocking me and crimson but i was instantly brought back to reality when i remembered what she did.

'' no she had someone stalk my mates and by the way one is with child and then sends them with a creepy ass note if anything she's lucky i'm not attacking her so hell if i'd sign a treaty with her '' 

stella bites her lip and turns towards crimson and runs her hand up her chest then wraps them around her neck all while sporting her puppy eyes making me raise my eyebrow. '' baby did you do that '' she ask

'' yes but i had my reasons'' she huffs out while holding onto her hips and pulling her closer to her . '' well if you apologize and sign a treaty when we get home i'll do that thing you really like '' she says making me shake my head in disgust like i mean that's my sister i don't want to think of her getting fucked 

she sighs and looks at me 

''welll'' ............................................................................................................................

sorry about that i've just been going through a lot but i will try to update every other weekend if not every weekend till the book is done 

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