Part 29

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Davina's POV

Several weeks went by and I stayed in the hospital. I was now 13 weeks pregnant and finally in my Second trimester. My body was healing and the cuts and bruises have faded. I wanted so desperately to go home, anywhere but here staring at the same 4 white walls everyday. Today I was very hopefully that I would be able to go home.

Dr Scott came in to do his daily rounds. He told me I was officially out of the woods and that baby and I could go home. He told me that although I was healed and better to still be careful and don't do nothing to over exhaust myself. He also said I needed to keep my temper at bay. I honestly don't know how I am going to do that Jaden seems to always bring out the worst in me.

"Now most importantly Jayda if you feel any pain or like something is wrong trust your instinct and come back to the hospital," Dr. Scott told me before leaving the room.

When Jaden arrived at the hospital I told him the good news and how I can finally leave this hell hole. He looked furious that Dr Scott gave me permission to leave without talking to him.

"This is good news Jaden," I reminded him and rage flash across his face.

"Your not going no where," Jaden spatted at me before leaving the room.

I was stunted by his outburst. I honestly thought he would be happy for me.

Jaden came back a few minutes later informing me that he spoke with Dr Scott and I would be staying here till I'm 20 weeks pregnant.

"7 more weeks," I screamed at him.

"You will do as I say Davina," he snapped back at me.

"I'm tired of being here by myself," I snarled at Jaden.

"I have a lot going on Davina, I can't just stop everything and babysit you." He snapped back at me.

"Your staying here and that's finally," he said slamming the doors as he walked out.

Jaden Knight doesn't control me I muttered to myself. I'll show him. With that I got out the hospital bed and turned off the monitors. I unhooked the baby monitor from around my belly and laid it on the bed. I carefully unwrapped my arm and pulled the iv needle out of my vein. Emma had brought me some clothes, so I quickly  dressed in big  grey t shirt and pink athletic shorts. I slide on some sandals and headed out the hospital door. The hallway was nearly vacant just a few nurses siting at the front desk.
I walked to the front double doors pushing them open as I stepped outside as the warm sun danced alone my tan skin. Oh how I've missed the sun. The sun gave me a kick of energy that I didn't realize I've been missing. I felt invincible again.
I stood on the sidewalk until I seen a yellow taxi coming my way. I waved my hands motioning for the taxi to stop. The taxi slowed down coming to stop right in front of me. I opened the back door sliding across the backseat. I gave him the address to my home we were on the way. 

I stared out the window taking in everything in the city that I've missed while I was recovering. I looked at all the new billboards as we passed by. I watched the cars around us zoom by as if they were in a rush. Before I realized it we were pulling into my neighborhood. I slowly got out the vehicle and walked to his driver side window. I took out two hundred dollar bill placing it in his hand.

"Oh no miss this is way too much," he replied.

" Keep it," I smiled back to him while walking up the porch steps.

"Thank you miss," he yelled out the window as he pulled away.

I took the spare key from under the rug and opened the house door.

The smell of bleach smacked me in the face as the wind rolled into the house. I walked to the kitchen grabbing candles and a lighter. I lit the candles and placed them all throughout the house.

I walked to the back yard seeing that my rose bushes were growing big and tall. I smiled to myself knowing that my baby will never have to suffer the way I did. My baby will be loved.

I laid down on the couch cutting the tv on. Doc. said to take it easy so I'm going to do just that.

I glance down to the bare floor where the rug once laid. Memories flash through my head of that night. Most people would think I felt bad about what I did but honestly I just feel relief.

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