1 (Edited)

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His brother perospero was taking care of his little brother katakuri! Especially u were in the big mom castle waiting for perospero to show up,

Perospero- Hey (Name)
(Name)- Hi perospero what's up?
Perospero- Im fine (Name) thanks for asking
Perospero says with a smile
Perospero- I have a brother well can u pls take care of him?
(Name)-Sure why not? What his name?
Perospero- oh His name katakuri
(Name)-Awww what a cute name:)
Perospero- I gotta go bye thanks (Name)!

Little Katakuri walked to you.
Little Katakuri- H-H-Hii w-w-what your n-n-name..?
(Name)- oh I'm (Name):)
(Name)- Well maybe ur Hungry katakuri?
Little Katakuri- I w-w-ant dougnuts he said with a cute puppy eyes.
(Name)- Awww. Sure little Katakuri:)
U can't help it he was a cute little child.<3

U were cooking donuts while little Katakuri waiting.


(Name)- Here little Katakuri:D
U give him a plate with doughnuts,

Little Katakuri- T-t-hanks (Name) :>
(Name)-No problem little Katakuri!
Little Katakuri- I-i-im done.. (Name)
It was the best donut ever!
He sayed in a happy tone making me feel happy.
The kid was just nervous.
(Name)- thankss little Katakuri
U said with a joyful smile.

2 hour's later,

Perospero just came back.
(Name)- Hi perospero. You greeted Perospero.

Perospero- oh it just a short meeting thanks for caring my little brother,

(Name)-your welcome well I can't refuse that little kid he's cute

Little Katakuri-Brother!! I miss you!

(Name) she cooked me doughnuts and it's delicious!!
He replied, with an excitement smile,

Perospero- Cool! My little brother, well wanna go to the park?

Little Katakuri-Yayyy can (Name) Go too!! Plsssss

Little katakuri says with a poppy eyes:)

Perospero- Sure. Then I can't refuse, my little brother.

Little Katakuri-YAYYYY!

Katakuri was excited. It made me laugh softly


u were sitting on the chair while little katakuri

Playing in the park holding an icecream.

Perospero-Be careful Katakuri!

(Name)- Yeah :)

Little katakuri was running.
And suddenly he hit someone pants with the icecream.

A/N- i take this scene from the kid. And smoker. I forgot the episode thanks<3

Little katakuri started to cry.
U was nevervous and running to Katakuri.

???- Look like my pants

Eat ur icecream kid.

A/N- I take this idea from smoker and the kid I don't think, I have no idea btw back to the story sorry for my sh*tty writing TvT

Little katakuri- oh sorry sir wa..!.. He sobs.

(Name)-Oh no I'm verry sorry for what happened to ur pants u said with a nervous tone while staring at the man,

???-No need to apologies miss. He replied in a cold tone.

Btw what ur name?

(Name)- ohh sir I'm (Name)..

???- My name is smoker..

(Name)- sorry sir...

Smoker- sighs. don't worry we won't arrest u for that

(Name) t-t-t-hanks Sir.

Smoker-Who's kid is this?.

(Name)- oh it's just my freind. Little brother.. heh-

My freind little brother..
Smoker give katakuri money to buy
Another ice cream.

Little Katakuri- thanks u so much sir...
I promise it won't happend again

Katakuri was just staring nervouly against the man.
(Name)- oh thanks sir we have to go now
Btw thanks,

Smoker-Np! Be safe

Little katakuri and (Name) didn't know Perospero fall

asleep in the freaking wooden chair.

Little Katakuri- Brother!!

Perospero wake up and

Perospero- what is it my little brother?

Little Katakuri - I thought we both gonna
Be arrested by marine and that marine is kind he give me some money to buy another ice cream because his pants ate my ice cream. I sayed in a exaggerated tone.

Perospero - Alright! You can go home now is getting dark! You know there's many weird guys out there,
He Sayed in deeply relief sigh.

Perospero- Can u pls take care of my brother tomorrow?

(Name)-sure why not,
I just chuckle,

Oh well I edited it. I will edit some chapters I'm lazy to do it.

Care. ChildKatakuri x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now