7. [While away]

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Little Katakuri -

I miss (Name) *sob*

Perospero - Hey katakuri!

Big mom- Mammamama~ what the problem

Little Katakuri - I-i-its n-n-othing...
Don't worry such a thing.. mama.

Perospero - ok then u can play with oven !

Little Katakuri - I just stay here.....

Perospero - sure?

Perospero was confused.

Well Katakuri missed You so much..

"i hope (Name) was here...?" Katakuri muttered to himself

Katakuri was stuck in his room. All day

Back to (Name).
You missed Little Katakuri too!

Perospero: Hi (Name)

(Name):Hey what up perospero?

Perospero: Katakuri is stuck in his room
Well he didn't talk to us everday.

(Name):oh I see that a bad news
I guess? Well I have to go to school now bye bye perospero be safe!

Perospero:seem ur busy (Name) bye bye then

U were in school.

The teacher was mihawk

Well the teacher all the same on the grades
But u were in the college.

And the teacher was mihawk in college too

(Name)- Hi sir sorry I'm late...

Mihawk- it's ok just sit now

(Name)- yes sir.

U sitted on ur school chair..
Ur with marco ofcourse

Marco- Woi (Name) did you enjoy the weekend yoi?

(Name)- uhmm.. yeah marco-san.


Suddenly u U fall asleep at mihawk's class

Mihawk- Woii miss sleep is not allowed here..!

U got awaked  by mihawk's loud voice.

(Name)- Oh sorry I didn't notice sir I'm verry sorry..

Mihawk- just go to the principal office.

(Name)- Yes sir.

Akainu/Sakazuki was the principal .

Sakazuki- I heard u sleep in mihawk class right?
He smirked.

(Name)-uhmm yes sir

Sakazuki drop his pen on purpose.

Sakazuki- now get it.

U were getting it the pen.

And then sakazuki grab and tried to kiss you you tried get away but he was too strong.

Mihawk came along and free you from Sakazuki.

Mihawk- are u ok miss?..

(Name)- thanks sir mihawk...

The class is over..

Mihawk- u can go home.

(Name)-thanks sir mihawk for saving me to that guy....

Mihawk - just don't thank me.

After you leave mihawk blushed

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After you leave mihawk blushed. And smirked,

U got home.

When someone calling on ur phone.

(Name)- who's calling?

It was crocodile and crocodile didn't
Say a single word.

(Name)- Woii how u get my number??!

He hang up the call

(Name)- Goshh maybe he called a wrong number..!

Care. ChildKatakuri x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now