Chapter 18- Missing Names, Missing History

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The calmest part of my day was when I was immersed in the research I was doing with Mr. Ahimoth. If I was truly a descendant of a Chosen Family, I was hoping that I could find some other advantages I could employ for the rapidly approaching Suntide Tournament.

Mr. Ahimoth started with sharing what was known about the Chosen Families. They were the first sorcerers in Candera. Even when the Morozova family was deemed the seventh Chosen Family and magic was opened to the rest of the population, the original six were still described as being more powerful than the rest. How they got their power in the first place is a complete mystery. There are references to a special ceremony children of the Chosen Families would go through when they were five years old. It was for establishing a full connection with The Great Oak and the essence. Whatever that entailed.

Once I had received my crash course in current scholarly thinking on Early Canderan history, Mr. Ahimoth shared some of the biggest questions surrounding the Priory and the Chosen Families. The most relevant topic to my current situation was, "What happened to the Chosen Families after their dispersal?"

Mr. Ahimoth explained, "While the Priory was technically dissolved in the year 89 ACU, most of the members of the Chosen Families remained vital parts of The Myre. Many of them switched to teaching or other administrative jobs. It's not until 1004 ACU where the record of any descendant disappears. Any and all references to the Chosen Families date to before 1004 and even then, those references are vague."

"So we have no way of tracking where these people went after they fully dispersed?" I asked.

"No. We will have to try a different approach. Likely we will need to find an intrinsic connection between you and one of the Chosen Families," Mr. Ahimoth answered.

"What would count as an intrinsic connection?" I asked.

"The members of the Chosen Families were said to have special abilities that no one else exhibited. If you show one of those, then the connection would be undeniable." Mr. Ahimoth sounded so excited. Way more so than he ever did in class.

My excitement was also rising. This was exactly the information I was looking for. "Is there any record of some of these special abilities?"

"Scattered records, but records nonetheless," Mr. Ahimoth replied. I urged him to share. He happened to have a list of all the known references of the Chosen Families abilities.

"This isn't a new tactic in trying to find the identities of the Chosen Families," he said.

"But this is the first time someone has shown any comparable abilities," I finished for him. It was already weird enough that I shared similarities with Masteria Morozova, but to have similarities with one of the original six?

I quickly scanned the list. It looked like a jumble of sentence fragments and poetic nonsense.

Aidless magic

While others hear the essences, the Chosen Families listen to the essence

No preference for a particular class of essence

Strongest pull

The essence calls to them and they call to the essence

Can't be fooled with normal tricks

Magic training starts earlier. At the age of thirteen

Blessed by goddesses

"This is all very cryptic," I commented.

"A lot of this is cryptic. It seems anything specific was lost," Mr. Ahimoth said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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