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[scene begins with a mysterious dragon standing in front of a hologram. She looks at the holographic image of the five Core Fragments, each detailed with their abilities and locations]

STORM: It begins now. [chuckles evilly]

[four other dragons emerge from the shadow behind her, all wielding their weapons]

TREEWING SOLDIER #1 (V.O): [sending a signal to other tribes in Agloa] We're requesting an emergency rescue for our tribe. [breathes heavily and pants] Please, our tribe has been attacked, our army is destroyed, we need aid immediately. [pants] Our FlameWing is down, we need your help now. This dragon... she's crazy, our Protector couldn't stop her. We have dragonets dying right now, send help-

[the soldier is suddenly stabbed in the back while sending the message, and he groans as he drops onto the ground. It's currently nighttime. The entire town is on fire, every building is destroyed and burning. There are more explosions at the other side of the town, and gigantic boulders, Sapphire Rocks, drop from the sky and impact near the town]


[the boulders release dragon-size, flying scorpions, Scorpas, onto the village, and they begin scouting the area for any survivors. At the center of the destroyed village, Storm, along with the other four dragons face a TreeWing standing in the distance]

STORM: [walking around] Fifteen years of conquest, [chuckle] I finally found the treasure... a start to my conquest of bending this world to my will. A way to reshape this world to my imagination. [to the TreeWing] I know what it's like to watch your entire tribe be destroyed, you hopelessly watch your families, friends, all fall into the talon of the murderer without the ability to do anything.

[one of Storm's dragons, Carrion, approaches and stabs a surviving villager. Carrion then drags the dead body away from the area. Storm continues walking around]

STORM: It's sad, isn't it? Imagine watching the inevitable end of everything you love. What I just did to you, you should be grateful, you are the first few beginning steps of my journey. Your sacrifice will be remembered as I correct this world. [holds the Strength Fragment on her talon with a grin on her face]

[the TreeWing, revealing to be Hyssop, stands in the distance with an energy ball in his talon]

HYSSOP: This is what you're planning to do? Wiping the entire world?

STORM: Reshaping the world asks for a heavy toll. But only the strong ones have the will to do it, and I'll do whatever it takes. I'll give it everything it demands.

HYSSOP: It won't happen, you'll fail.

STORM: I've heard dragons telling me that throughout my lifetime. [clenches her talon on the Strength Fragment, and it begins giving her power and strength] No one dared to stop me before, and no one will now.

HYSSOP: The Winglets will.

STORM: The Winglets? [smirks as she walks forward until she reaches a dragon laying on the ground, revealing to be Inferno, who's injured badly. Storm grabs him by his left horn, dragging him closer to Hyssop, where she drops him on the ground] Is this one of them?

[blood is trickling out of Inferno's nose as he spits out blood from his mouth. There are bruises and injuries all over his body, along with a burn mark at the side of his head. Inferno breathes laboriously]

INFERNO: The others will.

STORM: Hmm. [grabs Inferno by the neck and lifts his head up, and he looks at Hyssop dazedly while blood runs down his snout] So, I'll give you a choice, TreeWing. The fragment, or him. I'm assuming you'll be wise with your choice.

Wings of Fire: The Core FragmentsWhere stories live. Discover now